Thursday, March 10, 2016

3 Foods That Make You FAT

3 Foods That Could Be Causing You To Gain Fat Jennifer Bentley: I am Jennifer Bentley with and today I am going to talk about the three foods that people think are healthy that may be causing you to gain fat. Socking fact: 67% of US adults get their calories everyday from wheat, from corn, and from soy. Why? Because it s everywhere and it s very inexpensive and so manufacturers are putting it everywhere and you may not even be aware that you are eating it. You are eating it, I am eating it, we are all eating it. And it may be causing us to gain fat, and here is a couple of reasons why.

So wheat in flour form it s brown, so it hits your blood stream faster, which means that you are going to have a blood sugar spike and then you are not going to feel very full for long, which may cause you to eat some more. Why are these foods unhealthy? Because they are everywhere and it s not a moderation, and in high-fructose corn syrup, there are high amounts of calories, carbs, and sugars. It s almost as bad as a raw sugarcane. They are found in simple foods that you might not even think about, for example, ketchup. I love ketchup, you love ketchup, a lot of American and other cultures enjoy their ketchup. However, there is some high-fructose corn syrup in there, high-fructose corn syrup.

Now soy proteins, compared to other proteins, such as meats and eggs and wherever else you are going to get your proteins from, nutritionally they don t have the same value. Also, soy protein contain xenoestrogens, which cause both men and women to gain fat, which again may not be what you are looking for. Obviously, if you are watching this video today, you are not looking to gain fat. What are good alternatives to these foods? For starches, sweet potatoes are fantastic, beans are fantastic, brown rice is actually a great alternative. If you eat fewer starches and you have replaced your corn, your wheat, and your soy products with healthy alternatives, you will lose weight a lot faster.

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