Saturday, March 19, 2016

How to Fix Your Dog or Cat

Let's talk about spay and neuter of your dog and cat. Spay and neuter is very very important for many reasons. One it prevents reproduction. We have lots and lots of stray cats and dogs in the United States and it is very difficult to keep up with them. There are thousands and thousands of dogs and cats that get euthanized every week due to just over population so spay and neuter prevents that so that is the number one benefit.

Number two is medically. Dogs male dogs as they get older can have prostate problems and lots of male dogs have behavioral issues as in roaming aggression, territorial aggression things like that, so neutering is of utmost importance for them for those reasons. Cats as far as males are concerned it is better for them because they tend to spray and have a real foul urine and can reproduce obviously. As far as females are concerned female dogs tend to have a very high incidence of mammary carcinomas or breast cancer and as they get older that can be a major incidence of problem.

They have a much higher incidence if they've even gone through one heat cycle so that's very important for them. Breast cancer is very difficult to manage especially in an older pet and they can actually die from that so it is very important to do that. Also females can get uterus infections as they get older after they have had heat cycles and that can also be life threatening so that's another reason to spay your female dog and/or cat.

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