Tuesday, March 8, 2016

How To Lose Stubborn Lower Belly Abdominal Fat

Hey what's up guys, Sean Nalewanyj here of BodyTransformationTruth.com and in today's video I want to address the topic of how to get rid of lower abdominal fat. Now, I fully understand just how frustrating this can be. You've been training hard and dieting for weeks, you're making consistent ongoing progress, your entire body is looking decently lean, you've got some nice vascularity going on, but you've still got that one last roll or two of lower belly fat that won't seem to go away no matter what you do.

Well, it may not be the answer that you were hoping to hear, but this is really the dead simple reality, and that is that there are no special techniques or special strategies that will specifically allow you to target your lower belly fat. The only way to get rid of that last bit of fat is by continuing with your fat loss program and focusing on lowering your overall body fat percentage. As I've covered many times before, it is impossible for you to spot reduce fat from specific areas of your body. The resistance based exercises that you perform in the gym only train the muscles that are involved in the specific movements that you're performing, but this has no affect on the fat stores in and around the area that you're training.

Bench presses do not burn fat off of your chest, bicep curls do not burn fat off of your biceps, and lower ab exercises do not burn fat from your lower abs. Fat loss only occurs on a holistic total body scale as you maintain a net calorie deficit. Over time through proper nutrition and increased activity level and due to the way that our bodies are genetically programmed to store fat, the very last area that fat will be burned from is the lower abdominal region. So just because you have some excess fat remaining on your lower stomach, it doesn't mean that you're doing something wrong or that there is a specific fat burning technique that you aren't properly employing.

All it really means is that you haven't lowered your overall body fat percentage far enough. The only solution is to stick to your diet plan, keep hammering the weights and stay consistent with your cardio. Losing lower belly fat is really just about patience and perserverance. Now, if your overall fat burning progress has plateaued then you simply need to create a larger calorie deficit in order to stimulate ongoing fat loss and you can achieve this by either shaving one or two hundred calories off of your daily intake, increasing your activity level with some additional cardio exercise, or through some combination of both. As you continue to lean down further and further eventually that lower abdominal fat will begin to melt away.

One other note that I'd like to mention before closing out this video is to keep in mind that for the vast majority of people and even for those who are in really good overall shape, having some degree of noticeable lower belly fat is perfectly normal. Don't let your perception be skewed here. All those pictures that you see online and in the magazines of fitness models with ripped 8-packs all year round, you know, this only represents an extreme minority of the population. It would require a very high level of time effort and dedication to achieve a mid-section of that caliber assuming that you have average genetics and that you're not "chemically enhanced" in any way.

Wanting to reduce your lower abdominal fat is obviously fine but just keep in mind that being perfectly flat and ripped in this area does require you to be quite lean overall and to maintain that level of leanness on an ongoing basis, and for most people this is definitely not going to be easy. Personally I'm content at remaining at a body fat percentage in the 10 or 12 percent range most of the time with visible but certainly not shredded abs and with a bit of extra lower ab fat. For me the input/output that would be required to have a ripped six pack all year round just isn't worth it. That's just me though, and the degree of overall leanness that you truly want to achieve and the amount of time and effort that you're willing to expend to reach that goal is totally up to you and it's something that you'll have to decide for yourself.

So thanks alot for watching this video lesson. I hope you found the information useful. If you did find the information helpful please make sure to hit the "like" button, leave a comment and subscribe to stay up to date on future videos. Also make sure to check out my complete step-by-step muscle building and fat loss programs over at BodyTranformationTruth.com. The link for that is up in the corner of the video here or you can click the link in the description box below. And make sure to join the Facebook page for daily tips and updates, the link for that is also in the description box.

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