Saturday, March 19, 2016

How to Fix Your Dog or Cat

Let's talk about spay and neuter of your dog and cat. Spay and neuter is very very important for many reasons. One it prevents reproduction. We have lots and lots of stray cats and dogs in the United States and it is very difficult to keep up with them. There are thousands and thousands of dogs and cats that get euthanized every week due to just over population so spay and neuter prevents that so that is the number one benefit.

Number two is medically. Dogs male dogs as they get older can have prostate problems and lots of male dogs have behavioral issues as in roaming aggression, territorial aggression things like that, so neutering is of utmost importance for them for those reasons. Cats as far as males are concerned it is better for them because they tend to spray and have a real foul urine and can reproduce obviously. As far as females are concerned female dogs tend to have a very high incidence of mammary carcinomas or breast cancer and as they get older that can be a major incidence of problem.

They have a much higher incidence if they've even gone through one heat cycle so that's very important for them. Breast cancer is very difficult to manage especially in an older pet and they can actually die from that so it is very important to do that. Also females can get uterus infections as they get older after they have had heat cycles and that can also be life threatening so that's another reason to spay your female dog and/or cat.

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver on a Cat or Small Dog

Let's talk about the Heimlich maneuver in dogs and cats. The Heimlich maneuver we think about in people all the time, getting choked on a piece of food at a restaurant and something like that. In veterinary medicine it is not something that we use routinely, however, it does come to play in the home setting on rare occasions. Dogs and cats can get choked on items, can get choked on pieces of food and things like that.

The first thing you need to do is recognize are they actually choking on something or are they trying to gag or vomit. The way you know is typically if an animal is choking on something they are going to be opening their mouths, they're going to be retching over, they're going to be pawing at their face. So it is very difficult and you can get injured if you look in the mouth but that is the first thing to do is if you can look in there, look at the tongue and gum color and make sure it is nice and pink and not blue.

If we do think that there is absolutely a choking mechanism happening that there is something lodged in the back of the throat then we might pull out the Heimlich maneuver and the way you do that is basically is take your hands and ball them up and or one method is to ball one fist up with your palm over the other one, right below, or actually right in the upper abdomen and below the sternum and then use a quick just kind of gentle but firm upper motion to try to dislodge that. The next recommendation is to get your animal to a veterinary clinic as quickly as possible. It may not always be a choking situation or it may be something that you can't do on your own.

How to Get Rid of Cat Odor

Let's talk about how to get rid of cat odor. Cat odor comes from two sources, one urine odor and two, fecal odor. Litter boxes are very important to keep clean. There are many types of litter that are on the market, some work better than others, some cats rely on better than others.

Some cats don't like certain types of litter so always experiment initially to find out what your cat prefers. There are also many products on the market to help with urine odors, urine staining and things like that. Also some cats that are long haired may retain a little bit of urine or fecal material on their fur so keeping their fur under their tail trimmed or clean, baby wipes work very well for instance, can help urine and fecal odor.

Friday, March 18, 2016

How to Detect Skin Cancer in Cats

Let's talk about detecting skin cancer in your cat. Skin cancer is actually fairly common in cats. It almost exclusively shows up as being a raised plaque or a raised lump somewhere on the skin. In cats, especially, they are prone to getting skin cancer on the face - especially the nose and on the ears. The reason that is especially for outdoor cats is that they're getting sun damaged chronically, just like we think about with us.

Cats that are white color or tan color cats or have pink noses are much more susceptible to getting sun damage and sun damage can chronically lead to skin cancer. So the most common skin cancer we see is squamous cell carcinoma just like it is in people. It will show up as a lump or a bump and so if you see anything like that and you're concerned, then obviously get your veterinarian to check that and see if that is some sort of cancer or problem that they need to investigate further.

Tips on Emergency Dog Health Care

Hi I'm Dr. Adrienne Mulligan of Camp Verde Veterinary Clinic in Arizona and I'm here today to talk to you about doggy emergency care on behalf of There will always come a time in your life with your dog where you are going to need to know how to do something to put off veterinarian care at lease long enough to get there or until the veterinarian opens there doors the next day. So I'm here to talk to you a little bit about things you could safely do at home with your dog generally on the way to the vet or at least you could get a phone call into the vet.

There are several situations where this might apply and it could be in situations of were a dog might of have swallowed something they shouldn't or were they might of consume something toxic or where they might have broken something simple like a toenail or potentially even broken something more series as in a car accident or getting hit by a car. There are things you could to do to safely transport them to the veterinarian or to stop bleeding or steam the tie a little bit until you do have some expert care. Do realize in all these things that we talk about that you are going to want to see expert care it is the most important that you get them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

How to Treat Cat Acne- Cat Health Care Tips

Let's talk a little about feline acne. Feline acne is very common in cats. It involved the chin. They can get lots of pustules, lots of inflammation and infection on the lower part of the chin and it's kind of poorly understood. It's mostly thought to be an immunologic type of response to something or nothing. We commonly recommend non-plastic bowls to eat out of, just so there is not any type of external stimulation to keep feline acne going. It can kind of sometimes come and go, despite therapy and it can be long and chronic and quite frustrating. Talk with your veterinarian if you think your cat has feline acne.

It looks like black discharge on the chin, and also red pustules that can be very irritated and these cats don't like you messing with them a hole lot. Sometimes we use benzyl peroxide pads to clean these chins out from time to time on a weekly or daily basis. Also topical medications can help reduce that inflammation over time. Basically a lot of these cats are going to resolve feline acne potentially on their own and again it may come back and become chronic. Feline acne would appear as being black discharge and crusting discharge on the lower part of the chin and also very commonly red swollen pustules and it generally obvious on cats that have feline acne to talk to your veterinarian clinic about treating and managing that disease.

How to Safely Trim Long-Hair Cats

Let's talk about safely trimming a cat's hair that has long hair and a cat such as this that has very long hair they commonly get matted and mat very easily because they can't get back to their hind end a lot of times and groom themselves and so you want to be very very careful when you are ever trying to trim long hair. So prevention is good. If you can trim some of that long hair off, getting matted is going to be a lot harder to occur obviously and so you never want to use scissors.

You want to either talk to a groomer or your veterinary clinic and they can obviously help you and guide you along that route as well but scissors you are always going to get into trouble with that. Cats have very thin skin and it is hard to see that skin underneath that long hair and so you can actually lacerate that long hair with scissors. There are some commercial products such as clippers both electric and cordless ones that you can actually use to trim that hair as well and say also have some manual strippers that you can get mats and kind of little knotted things out as well in long hair. So prevention is the key to prevent mats and always just be careful because that skin is very very easy to damage.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

How to Stop a Male Cat From Spraying

Let's talk about how to prevent your male cat from spraying. This can be actually quite challenging, and the first thing you have to do is figure out what is going on, and get a diagnosis from a veterinarian. The spraying can be generally one of two things. A; a cat that's a male that is spraying, we've got to know; first off, is it a neutered cat?

If it's not neutered, that's the first thing to do. Number two is a urinalysis needs to be performed to figure out is there an infection or inflammation occurring that's causing him to feel like he needs to urinate outside of the box. For instance, cat's are pretty smart, and what they'll do sometimes is if if their urine or urination hurts them in a litter box, they think the litter's doing it, so they will go outside of the box and spray; versus, if the urine does not contain an infection or anything like that, it's probably behavioral. So, working with your veterinarian, you have to figure out what that problem is. If it's behavior, is it another cat in the environment? Is it not enough litter boxes?

Not the right litter? Not a hood on the litterbox? And so there is lots of information that your veterinarian can provide for you to help you figure out what that problem is and how to treat. Now, some cats, some male cats that are behaviorally spraying and behaviorally urinating outside the litter box can be psychological, and there are actually synthetic hormones; pheromones actually, that are used to spray an environment that can calm these male cats down. That can work quite well. Sometimes we rely on anti-depressive medication, such as Prozac, Elavil, things like that to help these cats kind of calm down and forget why they're spraying, and after a while most of these guys do very, very well, and you can stop the medications.

Tips For Treating Injuries to a Dog's Genitals

Hi I'm Dr. Adrienne Mulligan of Camp Verde Veterinary Clinic in Arizona and I'm here today to talk to you about a rather touchy subject when animals private organs get into trouble on behalf of There are a few fairly common things that happens to dogs back in the rear of them. One is for a male dog to extrude his penis. This is a sheet this is not actually a dogs penis this is a covering and a hair dog which this dog is not. Now a hair dog is at risk of extruding his penis and getting hairs.

You seethe penis does come out and then hairs could get wrapped around that penis not allowing it to go back in and if it does that it would actually cut of the blood supply and the penis would become large and dark and dried out also very engorge with blood and fluid. This is something that needs to be corrected pretty quickly or it could require surgery. One of the things that you have to keep in mind is number one to clean it. Get in moist. Get it wet. This are tissues that want to moist and you don't want to let it get dried out and you could clean it up like that and get the hairs away from it a little bit. If you still could not make this engorge penis go back in one little trick is to dump a lot of sugar on it.

Sugar will draw it would have a drawing effect and draw the Adina the fluid, the blood, not blood but the fluid part of the blood out of the penis and help it to shrink so you could slide it in. then you might need to use some KY jelly to help it to do that and water that need to help move back in. the same applies with a dog that might have a prolong rectum. A dog will have straining with diarrhea can sometimes prolapse there rectum. A female could also prolapse there vaginal area and those tissues again needs to stay moist and saline solution or water. Saline is better and just your typical saline like you would use for contact lens you could use to moisten those areas and keep them moist until you could get them to the veterinarian and if they are engorge and very thicken sugar could go there to. Sugar is will draw the Adina from the tissues so they would be a little easier to be put back into place.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How to Manage a Cat's Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Let's talk about managing your cat with inflammatory bowel syndrome, or IBS. IBS is quite common in cats actually. They can react to foods, environment, all sorts of things, and the underlying cause sometimes is not known. But the end result can be a cat with chronic vomiting, chronic diarrhea, weight loss, things of that nature. IBS has to be diagnosed by your veterinarian first, and once that's diagnosed there are certain things that can be helped, or given to help IBS in cats.

For one, anti-inflammatories can help; either orally or by injection, over time, and not every cat requires something like that. So that's one method of treating IBS. Number two is going to be dietary management. IBS cats never need to get lots of treats, lots of different foods, things like that. Basically, IBS cats need to go on a hypoallergenic, or special foods that are die are are basically designed to to have the body not recognize their proteins as well. And what I mean by that is it's it's sort of like having an allergy. If your body can't recognize a protein that you're allergic to, then you're better off, and not going to react to that. So, your veterinarian should help you also manage IBS, because it is a chronic condition.

How to Express a Cat's An*l Glands

Let's talk about expressing a cat's an*l glands. An*l glands should never be expressed on their own at home in a cat unless there's a medical reason for that. Cats typically are pretty good about keeping their an*l glands expressed. Now an*l glands are actually attached to an*l sacs that sit about four and eight o'clock under the anus. So they have two on each side. And from time to time, these can get impacted, full or infected and at the direction of your veterinary clinic, they may tell you to express these from time to time. To do that, you need certain tools.

Your best friend for expressing an*l glands is always going to be the rubber glove. Two, is have some gauze pads handy. Three, baby wipes are always good to help clean that area after you're done. And also, it's not a bad idea to have a nice little feline approved cologne or spray to help with that odor because that odor is quite horrific sometimes. An*l glands sit at four and eight o'clock. What you want to do is never want to go into the anus unless your veterinary clinic teaches you how to do that or directs you to do that. The best way is actually squeeze those an*l glands from the outside right under the anus.

And basically you use a pinching motion very gently, and move your fingers upward to try to produce that fluid out just below the anus. So you want to capture that in a gauze pad and then clean that area with a baby wipe and then, lastly, you're using the cologne to reduce that odor. Now, be very careful. Cats do not typically like this or enjoy this and so you never want to put yourself in harm's way. You don't want to do this by yourself. You want somebody to help you hold that cat as well because they can turn around and bite you if they don't like that, which can be quite severe.

Monday, March 14, 2016

How to Treat a Cat's Bladder Infection

Let's talk about managing your cat's bladder infection. A bladder infection is diagnosed at your veterinary clinic. Once they've seen a urinalysis and can determine if there's an infection present, then generally antibiotics are going to be needed to treat them. There are a couple of important things to think about when we are dealing with infections in cats, especially. When we are dealing with males. Male cats have a very small urethral orifice that they urinate from and males can actually block if they have an infection or inflammation of the bladder.

Blocking means they can not urinate, that is an absolute emergency. If they are squatting and yelling at the litter box and not able to produce any urine they need to see a veterinarian right away, because that's an emergency situation. At home essentially it comes down to using antibiotics for bladder infections. There are some other things that you will use occasionally for pain because bladder infections are obviously very inflamed very irritating and painful. And most cats will do quite well. Medicating cats can be challenging, but talk to your veterinary office about how to do that and also look for a recurrence of bladder infections in the future.

How to Make Homemade Cat Food

Let's talk about homemade diets for cats. There are a few reasons why a cat may need to go on a homemade diet and that's always going to be directed by your veterinarian so if that case comes up they can direct you as far as ingredients and things like that. We use homemade diets for cats that have severe food allergies let's say, cats that have inflammatory bowel syndrome, also cats that have weight problems that we're trying to do let's say a reducing diet on or a reduced calorie diet and so there are recipes that your veterinarian can provide for you that you have to specifically make at home.

That can be challenging and some cats being cats and being finicky may not always just easily turn to a homemade diet but work with your veterinarian on these types of aspects if your cat does need a homemade diet. A lot of homemade diets are based around rice. Rice is typically kind of bland and easily digestible and not very stimulating as far as allergies are concerned and so rice is a component to a lot of those, white rice that is. Potassium chloride is given a lot of times as a salt substitute for cats as well as vegetable oil and bone meal. There has to be calcium in homemade diets as well to provide for that calcium for those bones and so those are some of the common ingredients that are involved. Obviously there is a protein base such as lamb or chicken or something like that that can be directed by your veterinarian.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Healthy Tips - How to Winter Health Care

 Healthy Tips - How to Winter Health Care

1: Worst Infections
in WinterWash your hands regularly to keep infections from spreading. Even though this is health tips for all seasons. it's doubly true during winters when infections and viruses seem to be at their worst

2: Coughing and Sneezing
when coughing and sneezing , use a tissue to coveryour nose and mouth make sure you dispos of the tissue afterwards in the nearest waste receptacle and wash you hands.

3: Skin Affected
your skin probably is the worst affected during winters lack of moisture in the air and in yourbody leaves it dry and flaky. show it some love and affection use a deep nourishing cream to ensure your skin stay winter skin mostly defected.

4: Exercise
Make exercise as painless as possible. think of ways to weave in a little more of that pkysical activity your naturally get inwarm weather. instead og getting cofee with a friend and take a walk together.winter exercise harm your body this is good for winter weather.

5: Know your Triggers
certain foods feed heartburn's flame. typical triggers include foods full of sugur and fat think pumpkin pie slathered with whipped cream. instead reach for complex carbs like veggies and whole-wheat breads.

6: Drink Water
Drinking six or eight glasses a day of water to herbal tea can keep your digestive system healthy your weight down and your energy up.this is most important winter health tip for your body and health.

7: Nutritious Food
Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from the five major food groups and aim to includes 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetable in your diet each winter health foods in routeen.

Fastest Way to Burn Fat

Well dear friends, there is a good news for you all. Today i am going to tell you the most easiest way to burn the fat and keep yourself healthy. I know that you work in office and due to your hectic schedules you don't have much time. Or you have to make your kids ready for school or house hold works to do. So, due to all of this you don't have much time not only 45 mins , you doesn't even have 30 mins for yourself. But you want to reduce fat so for that here i am going to tell you the most fastest way to fat burning , Cardioplast but remember this is level -1. So, you must practice thoroughly level -1 then we will take you to level -2.

But in level -1 after warm-up you have to do the exercise for 15 mins as per my instructions. You have to do it non stop, if you can't do it for 15 mins then you can begin with 10 mins. So, here we are beginning with warm up so that you can easily move to level -1. You must remember that we do warm up from head to toe. So, now will do with neck, front & back, shoulder rotations. Then complete hand rotations. Then after that waist bending, side bending front bending and back ward bending .. After that you have to start cardioblast. So for the next 15 mins you have to do these movement with variations which i will explain you in the level -1. I am going to tell you all the variations. It will include all the exercise so , within 15 mins you can do total fat burning exercise.

You can begin with 10 mins and can extend to 15 mins, as 15 mins is enough. You can do this along with this do back kick including jumping jacks on the sides you have to take your hands forward like this then again keep doing- keep doing. You can start with 10 mins non stop & then extend to 15 mins. And you can see that within 15 mins how much fat you will burn. Just take out 15 mins out of the whole day. So, this way continuously you have to jump in the variations told by me for 15 mins & keep burning your fat Yes, only 15 mins. You heard it absolutely right only 15 mins and you can be slim & attractive.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

5 Foods That Burns Your Fat

The first one is oats It not only taste grey but also reduces your hunger. Its rich in fiber and stabilized the level of cholesterol. So, add oats in your breakfast or in your vegetables The second one is Egg. The rich in protein & lower your calories . They help to build your muscles and develop good cholesterol. The third one is Apple. They enrich with powerful anti-oxidant & other supplements. And most importantly the pectin in it helps you reduce the body fat, so have apple every day. And fourth one is honey.

Honey is known as anti-oxidant & anti-bacterial properties. Add honey to warm water & few drops of lemon juice & have this an empty stomach every morning. It will help you to loose your fat. And the fifth one is green tea.  Again a very effective one , green tea stabilizes your body weight. so, have green tea twice a day & don't take any other thing with the milk. So, these were five ways to help your weight Drink plenty of water & keep yourself hydrated. Don't punish yourself or go on harsh diet, have lots of veges and proteins to your diet. And cut down your carbohydrates intake into half. And most importantly exercise. Never go hungry and deprive yourself from your favorite food. But just watch your portion can eat moderately. Do it in a happy healthy way & most importantly. Do it for yourself & not for anyone else I hope my information was clear.Send us your comments & suggestions at the email address given below.

Exercises To Remove Side Fat

Hello & Welcome at F3 Kavita's Yobics. Well everybody in this video i am gonna show you. How you can remove the side fats, specially the word called the tyre and have great shape. So, will be doing very simple exercise over here. Once you do this exercise, you are seeing going to your friends with your side curves.

So, will start with
Exercise No-1
Just you have to bend only sides. You can do this exercise with keeping your feet together or do apart. Breath out when you bend. And don't bend ahead, go on little back. You can do it directly Well this was exercise no-1.

Exercise No-2
specially for this Tyre. If you can't do without support, you can take the hand support in this exercise. So, put some pressure, specially in this portion

Exercise No-3
Similar to the exercise No-1, but earlier we were just bend it . But in this time we will do Bit back, just take your feets up. So, these were 3 simple, very simple exercises. Which you can do anytime & have a great side curves. for any queries you can reach me on the email id given on the screen. And don't forget to subscribe this channel. Thank you for watching...

Friday, March 11, 2016

Testing the Fat Burning Theory

when we eat nuts we lose some fat in our feces and have our appetite suppressed, but studies suggest that this just accounts for about 70% of the disappeared calories in nuts. Unless all the calories are accounted for, then we still should gain weight after nut consumption, especially in the long term. But that's not what the studies show. So what happens to that last 30%? Nuts appear to boost our metabolism, meaning that when we eat nuts, we burn more of our own fat to compensate.

And indeed, in this study, those on the control diet were burning about 20 grams of fat overnight within their bodies on average. Not bad, that's like burning off 5 pats of butter. But the walnut group, eating the same number of calories, the same amount of fat, same everything, burned more like 31 grams of fat a day—7 or 8 pats of butter's worth. Not too shabby, or should I say, flabby. So the hard to crack nut of a mystery appears to have been solved...of all the calories you eat in nuts, about 70% of them apparently disappear through dietary compensation mechanisms, 10% are flushed away, and 20% may be lost due to increased fat burn, leaving us with no calories to pack on any pounds; just a whopping load of nutrition...and our risk of dying from heart disease cut in half.

The Diet Solution Program

The Diet Solution Program promises a complete and comprehensive weight loss program that will not only help you lose body fat, but guarantees you increased energy, health and vitality all at the same time. The Diet Solution Program Is A Very Well Rounded Food Plan Program.

With so many weight loss programs out on the market and on the internet today, what makes this program any different than all the rest? This program offers a step by step weight loss program which includes recipes, shopping lists, and suggested daily meal plans. The Diet Solution Program is easy to follow and you are never hungry. Over All The The Diet Solution Program Is A Rock Solid Weight Loss & Food Plan Program.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

How to - Best Way to Lose Thigh Fat

There Are Many Method to Lose Thigh Fat.I Show You 3 Method to Lose Thigh Fat.

Method 1: Thigh-Targeted Exercises

1. Do squats: Try doing squats with an exercise ball.
2. Do lunges

With a 5- or 8-pound dumbbell in each hand, lunge forward with one leg and bring the opposite knee about an inch above the ground.

Method 2: Eating Well and Dieting

1. Hydrate while cutting out excessive sweets from your liquid Diet.
2. Eat healthy: You do not need to go on a diet in order to Eat Healthy
3. Consider a low-carbohydrate (Atkins) Diet.
4. Know what foods are Not allowed in a low-carb Diet.
5. Consider a Low-calorie Diet.
6. Consider a ketogenic (keto) Diet.

Method 3: Maintaining Physical Health

1. Exercise your whole Body
2. Get a solid full body workout at the gym And Swimming
3. Play a Sport
4. Know what sort of Exercise Burns Less or more Calories.
5. Walk when You Can.
6. Make sure you're getting your Beauty Rest. How to Lose Thigh Fat Best Way to Lose Thigh Fat

3 Foods That Make You FAT

3 Foods That Could Be Causing You To Gain Fat Jennifer Bentley: I am Jennifer Bentley with and today I am going to talk about the three foods that people think are healthy that may be causing you to gain fat. Socking fact: 67% of US adults get their calories everyday from wheat, from corn, and from soy. Why? Because it s everywhere and it s very inexpensive and so manufacturers are putting it everywhere and you may not even be aware that you are eating it. You are eating it, I am eating it, we are all eating it. And it may be causing us to gain fat, and here is a couple of reasons why.

So wheat in flour form it s brown, so it hits your blood stream faster, which means that you are going to have a blood sugar spike and then you are not going to feel very full for long, which may cause you to eat some more. Why are these foods unhealthy? Because they are everywhere and it s not a moderation, and in high-fructose corn syrup, there are high amounts of calories, carbs, and sugars. It s almost as bad as a raw sugarcane. They are found in simple foods that you might not even think about, for example, ketchup. I love ketchup, you love ketchup, a lot of American and other cultures enjoy their ketchup. However, there is some high-fructose corn syrup in there, high-fructose corn syrup.

Now soy proteins, compared to other proteins, such as meats and eggs and wherever else you are going to get your proteins from, nutritionally they don t have the same value. Also, soy protein contain xenoestrogens, which cause both men and women to gain fat, which again may not be what you are looking for. Obviously, if you are watching this video today, you are not looking to gain fat. What are good alternatives to these foods? For starches, sweet potatoes are fantastic, beans are fantastic, brown rice is actually a great alternative. If you eat fewer starches and you have replaced your corn, your wheat, and your soy products with healthy alternatives, you will lose weight a lot faster.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The carb nite solution review

The Carb Nite® Solution is a nutritional breakthrough in fat loss diet plans. You can become healthy and fit while achieving permanent weight loss. The carb nite solution review | Carb Nite Whether it's for the New Year, bathing suit season, or to look your best for that big day, The Carb Nite™ Solution is your key to life-long weight loss.

Finally, a diet program that lets you lose the weight you want, when you want. The carb nite solution review | Carb Nite Inside you'll find: Why other diets can't work What makes The Carb Nite Solution unique. Meal plans for every lifestyle Over 50 recipes. Everything you need to get started today! The carb nite solution review | Carb Nite The Carb Nite™ Solution turns the body into a fat burning machine by changing the hormone levels in a special way. While using The Carb Nite™ Solution, the hormones responsible for gaining body fat stay at natural levels or levels fall, metabolism stays normal or increases, and the hormones responsible for accelerating fat loss sky-rocket.

The Real Truth About Intermittent Fasting & Fat Loss

A lot of people sort of hyped it up as being some kind of magical dieting solution that everyone should be using. So today I want to give you the real facts about what intermittent fasting is and what it isn’t, so that you can decide for yourself if it’s right for you. So what intermittent fasting is; is that it’s one option out of many different options when it comes to laying out your calories and macros for the day. So we know that meal frequency is basically a non issue when it comes to fat loss, so in other words eating a larger meals less frequently or smaller meals more frequently that’s not going to affect your bottom line rate of fat loss, and so the basic goal of your fat loss diet should be to lay out your daily meals in whatever you personally prefer and in whatever way it feels best for you individually in terms of managing your hunger, maintaining you energy and focus, and sticking to your diet over the longer term.

For a certain percentage of people fasting for 16 hours and then eating two or three larger meals within an eight hour window, which is the most popular I.F. method, for certain percentages of people that is the most effective way of doing things. A lot of people find that they get more physical and mental satisfaction out of being able to sit down and enjoy those larger meals, and they also might find that there’s less margin for error because they’re not eating all throughout the day and so it was easier to not overboard on calories. So for a lot of people it’s just a good way of simplifying things and hitting their daily calories more easily.

But that’s really all intermittent fasting is, again it’s one possible option, one possible way of laying out your daily meals and it’s a way that a certain percentage of the population will prefer. Now, what intermittent fasting isn’t; is some sort of fail-proof way of eating that every single dieter will do better on and on top of that it doesn’t have any special fat burning effects in comparison to eating more frequently throughout the day. In other words, assuming that your calories and your macros are the same it’s not going to make any difference in terms of bottom line fat loss. Someone eating 2,000 calories on an intermittent fasting diet will ultimately lose fat at the same rate as someone eating 2,000 calories on six meals a day.

There actually is some data on this that I’ll link in the description box below, which looked at 40 different studies comparing an intermittent calorie deficit with a continuous calorie deficit, and the conclusion was basically that not only were the actual fiber-rating(?) results the same but the number of people who stuck with the diet versus how many dropped out, that was also the same. The reason why a lot of people swear by the intermittent fasting and say that they got better results with it, isn’t because I.F. itself burn fat faster but instead it’s because for a lot of people using the I.F. structure helps them stay on point with their daily calorie targets more effectively, which is a huge issue because most average dieters will tend to under-report their calorie intake by a pretty big margin.

So they lose fat faster simply because of better accuracy and better overall adherence, and that’s something that they might have been lacking when they were eating more frequent meals. As a final note, yes you will see plenty of client testimonials from people who promoted intermittent fasting, but you can very easily find testimonials for pretty much any type of diet and keep in mind that for every person who reports, you know, great results with intermittent fasting there’s also going to be plenty people out here, who you never hear from, who don’t get the results that they’re after. So it’s pretty easy to have those positive testimonials take out but there’s probably just as many people out there who tried intermittent fasting and didn’t like it but you just never hear from them. So what’s the bottom line here?

If you’ve tried dieting on a traditional structure of four to six meals spaced throughout the day and you have a hard time sticking with it or if you just want to give something different a try then, yeah, intermittent fasting is a perfectly reasonable option to try out, and a lot of people do prefer it and you might also. That said, it doesn’t have any magical fat burning effects and if you do just fine on a more traditional fat loss diet, don’t think that switching to I.F. is going to make any difference because it probably won’t. I personally have tried intermittent fasting. It wasn’t for me and I’ve gotten fairly lean and then just fine using the typical five meals spaced throughout a day. I personally always prefer eating breakfast and I like eating later at night too, and I don’t like training fasted and I also don’t like going long periods without eating.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

How To Lose Stubborn Lower Belly Abdominal Fat

Hey what's up guys, Sean Nalewanyj here of and in today's video I want to address the topic of how to get rid of lower abdominal fat. Now, I fully understand just how frustrating this can be. You've been training hard and dieting for weeks, you're making consistent ongoing progress, your entire body is looking decently lean, you've got some nice vascularity going on, but you've still got that one last roll or two of lower belly fat that won't seem to go away no matter what you do.

Well, it may not be the answer that you were hoping to hear, but this is really the dead simple reality, and that is that there are no special techniques or special strategies that will specifically allow you to target your lower belly fat. The only way to get rid of that last bit of fat is by continuing with your fat loss program and focusing on lowering your overall body fat percentage. As I've covered many times before, it is impossible for you to spot reduce fat from specific areas of your body. The resistance based exercises that you perform in the gym only train the muscles that are involved in the specific movements that you're performing, but this has no affect on the fat stores in and around the area that you're training.

Bench presses do not burn fat off of your chest, bicep curls do not burn fat off of your biceps, and lower ab exercises do not burn fat from your lower abs. Fat loss only occurs on a holistic total body scale as you maintain a net calorie deficit. Over time through proper nutrition and increased activity level and due to the way that our bodies are genetically programmed to store fat, the very last area that fat will be burned from is the lower abdominal region. So just because you have some excess fat remaining on your lower stomach, it doesn't mean that you're doing something wrong or that there is a specific fat burning technique that you aren't properly employing.

All it really means is that you haven't lowered your overall body fat percentage far enough. The only solution is to stick to your diet plan, keep hammering the weights and stay consistent with your cardio. Losing lower belly fat is really just about patience and perserverance. Now, if your overall fat burning progress has plateaued then you simply need to create a larger calorie deficit in order to stimulate ongoing fat loss and you can achieve this by either shaving one or two hundred calories off of your daily intake, increasing your activity level with some additional cardio exercise, or through some combination of both. As you continue to lean down further and further eventually that lower abdominal fat will begin to melt away.

One other note that I'd like to mention before closing out this video is to keep in mind that for the vast majority of people and even for those who are in really good overall shape, having some degree of noticeable lower belly fat is perfectly normal. Don't let your perception be skewed here. All those pictures that you see online and in the magazines of fitness models with ripped 8-packs all year round, you know, this only represents an extreme minority of the population. It would require a very high level of time effort and dedication to achieve a mid-section of that caliber assuming that you have average genetics and that you're not "chemically enhanced" in any way.

Wanting to reduce your lower abdominal fat is obviously fine but just keep in mind that being perfectly flat and ripped in this area does require you to be quite lean overall and to maintain that level of leanness on an ongoing basis, and for most people this is definitely not going to be easy. Personally I'm content at remaining at a body fat percentage in the 10 or 12 percent range most of the time with visible but certainly not shredded abs and with a bit of extra lower ab fat. For me the input/output that would be required to have a ripped six pack all year round just isn't worth it. That's just me though, and the degree of overall leanness that you truly want to achieve and the amount of time and effort that you're willing to expend to reach that goal is totally up to you and it's something that you'll have to decide for yourself.

So thanks alot for watching this video lesson. I hope you found the information useful. If you did find the information helpful please make sure to hit the "like" button, leave a comment and subscribe to stay up to date on future videos. Also make sure to check out my complete step-by-step muscle building and fat loss programs over at The link for that is up in the corner of the video here or you can click the link in the description box below. And make sure to join the Facebook page for daily tips and updates, the link for that is also in the description box.

Monday, March 7, 2016

How to Diagnosis and Treatments Insomnia

Insomnia is difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, poor sleep quality or some kind of combination of those symptoms. And, we all have a night of bad sleep from here or there, but really what insomnia is... is a more long pattern of a sleep problem that's not only a nighttime issue but it trickles into the daytime in some ways so there is some kind of daytime symptom, whether that's, um, it can be just sleepiness or fatigue, struggling to stay awake during work, concentration issues at work..."I'm feeling grumpy or moody" or even just having a lot of worries during the daytime about the sleep.

So, typically it's more commonly found in women, however you know from down from kids all the way up to older adults...we can all on experience it at one time or another and most people have experienced know, when when you're studying for a test, or you have a very high-stakes job interview, you can suffer from some acute insomnia but when that becomes chronic, usually more than three months and you're experiencing it three or more times a week then it can be actually a sleep disorder.

Insomnia is diagnosed based on what you tell the sleep specialist, so there's no kind of lab test or blood work that you can do to say "You have insomnia." They look at your medical history, your psychiatric history, how you describe your insomnia symptoms.

However, sleep studies...the overnight sleep studies aren't uncommon to do sometimes in insomnia patients because they want to rule out if there's some underlying sleep disorder like sleep apnea that can cause the insomnia. So, insomnia is a complicated sleep disorder because there's always different factors for different individuals that are contributing to it.

So, the first thing that we look at is to see, you know, what kind of behavioral issues that the patient, that may be feeding the insomnia.... so things like maintaining good sleep habits are very important and those are things that we do investigate. A lot of times there some simple things that patients can change to help as part of the treatment.

There's several medications that are available. We typically... try not to go straight to those because you know a lot of times they don't work, and these medications do you know, they do have a side effect profile, so you have to be very know, when you give these. There is the mainstay which is cognitive behavioral sleep therapy and you know, any time I diagnose a patient with insomnia I usually bring in my colleagues, the sleep behavioral psychologists because they really help identify what factors are continuing the insomnia and they help to set up a plan - a treatment strategy - for patients to change their behaviors because that's what the research shows has the biggest impact.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Science of Depression

With over 350 million people affected by depression worldwide, it’s no doubt an incredibly real and serious issue. But, what exactly is going on inside of a depressed person? Is there a biological basis for these intense feelings of sadness? In the past, depression was often described as simply a ‘chemical imbalance’ in the brain.

Specifically, scientists believed that a lack of the neurotransmitter serotonin was to blame, which is often referred to as the ‘feel good’ chemical. However, the only real evidence for this was that, when some depressed people were prescribed drugs which increased serotonin levels, it helped alleviate their symptoms. But while chemicals most certainly are involved, this view really doesn’t capture just how complex depression is. In recent years, scientists began to notice that the brain cell growth and connections may actually play a larger role.

When we look at the brain of a depressed person, studies show that the hippocampus tends to be much smaller than average. Other areas of the brain are also physically affected, but this region in particular controls memory and emotion. And the longer a person has been depressed, the smaller the hippocampus becomes. The cells and networks literally deteriorate.

It turns out that stress may actually be a main trigger in the decrease of new neurons in this area of the brain. In fact, studies have shown that when this region of the brain is regenerated and new neurons are stimulated, mood improves. Interestingly, many modern drugs, including those which affect serotonin levels, have an indirect effect on the growth of brain cells. This is likely why serotonin-based drugs seem to help some patients - but not for the reasons we once thought.

Instead, they promote the release of other chemicals, which ultimately stimulate neurogenesis, or the growth of new neurons. Knowing this, some scientists now believe focus should be on drugs which directly affect neurogenesis. But while your neurons and chemicals may be the direct influencers, many genetic factors have been discovered as well. One particular study found that a variation in the serotonin transporter gene leaves individuals more vulnerable to depression. Every individual has two copies of the gene - one from each parent. And this gene can either be ‘short’ or ‘long’.

After tracking 800 young adults over 5 years, the studies revealed that 33% of individuals with one short version became depressed after stressful life events - and people with 2 short genes fared even worse. On the other hand, those with two ‘long’ genes were much less likely to become depressed with similar life stress. Many other genes have been identified which increase the likelihood of depression too. And it makes sense when you consider that depression and bipolar disorder both run in families. Studies of identical twins show that if one has bipolar disorder, the other has a 60-80% chance of developing it too.

So while the true cause or causes of depression have yet to be pinned down precisely - and trust us, there is a HUGE list of other variables that studies suggest may come in to play - it’s important to remember that depression is a disease with a biological basis, along with psychological and social implications. It’s not simply a weakness that somebody should ‘get over’, or even something that we have a say in. And just like heart disease, or cancer, shedding light onto the subject is of the utmost importance, in order to bring funding and proper research. But, is depression only a human phenomenon? We look into the question “Do Dogs Get Depressed?” in our latest AsapTHOUGHT video, and discover the many studies done to understand depression among other species, including your pets at home. You can click the link in the description for that video.

You can also check out the book “Animal Madness” by Laurel Braitman which touches on the subject - in fact, you can get it for free from our friends at Audible by going to Audible is the leading provider of audiobooks with over 150,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature. You can download this audio book or another of your choice, for free, at And with a subscription you get one free book a month! Special thanks Audible for making these videos possible! If you think you’re suffering from depression, we have included some resources and more information in the description.

How to Relieve Insomnia in Menopause Symptoms

I am going to talk to you about ways to live with menopause. Now in this clip we're going to talk about insomnia, which is one of the most common symptoms that women complain of when they're going into menopausal, stage. Now, the ways to deal with insomnia, insomnia means that you find it very difficult to sleep. So how can we deal with that particular symptom.

Well there are several ways you can do this. First thing if you go to sleep you can always take a nice hot drink of milk, you know, the standard way, old fashioned way a hot milk. Take a warm bath before you going, go to bed cause it just relaxes you and it makes you feel very distressed, de-stressed and also other technique is meditation is good because meditation is a way to relax your brain. It basically helps you calms your brain and center.

So that also is good. Other relaxation techniques would be good. Find moments, quiet moments with relaxing music is also a way to help you reduce the stress and help you maybe go to sleep. So, also avoid drinking coffee or any beverages that has caffeine content in it because that will keep you up all night. And if possible try the last option is sleeping medications, over the counter sleeping tablets is something you should try not to take but if really really find it difficult to sleep then once in a while is good but I really don't recommend this as an option to try to deal and combat for insomnia.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?

We all know the feeling; irritable, groggy and exceptionally lazy. Chances are you didn't sleep enough last night, or the past few nights. But what exactly is "enough sleep?" And more importantly, can you ever "catch up" on it? While the very function of sleep is still debated by scientists, we do know that it's necessary to function efficiently and productively. After all, we spend 24 years of our lifetime sleeping, it had better be important. Researchers have tested how much is required each night by assigning groups of people to four, five, and eight hours of sleep over extended periods of time.

After 14 days, those with eight hours of sleep exhibited few attention lapses of cognitive issues; however, those with six or four hours of sleep showed a steady decline. In fact, after only two weeks, the six hour group showed a similar reaction time to a person with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1%, which is considered legally drunk. The four hour sleepers suffered even more, occasionally falling asleep during their cognitive tests. In both groups, brain function decreased day by day, almost linearly with no sign of leveling off. Scientists have dubbed this cumulative effect as sleep debt. So can we recover from it?

After a night or two of little sleep, studies show that the body and brain can fully recover with a few nights of good sleep. However, with long term sleep deprivation on the scale of weeks to months, the recovery of cognitive function is much slower, requiring many more nights of quality sleep. On the timescale of months to years, it is unknown whether brain function can be fully repaired, or if it causes permanent damage. Paradoxically, with chronic sleep deprivation, your sleepiness or how tired you feel does eventually level off, meaning that you become less and less aware of your objective impairment over time.

So how long should you sleep? Most studies tend to show that seven to eight hours of sleep is the average ideal for humans. Apart from the cognitive issues, individuals who consistently sleep less than seven hours a night have an increased risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes, not to mention a 12% higher risk of death. On the flip side, studies have shown that while sleeping more than eight hours does not impair brain function, it also carries an increased risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes, and a 30% increased risk of mortality! So too much sleep may also be a bad thing.

But variation most certainly exists, and our genetics play a large role. In fact, individuals genuinely unaffected by only six hours of sleep were found to have a mutation of a specific gene. When scientists genetically engineered mice to express this gene, they were able to stay awake for an extra 1.2 hours than normal mice. It turns out these short sleepers have more biologically intense sleep sessions than the average person. Ultimately, while it's important to know the ideal average of seven to eight hours exists, let your body and brain help you figure out its own needs. After all, no one shoe size fits all. If you want to know how to get better quality sleep each night in order to conquer the hurdles of sleep deprivation, we have some tips and research for you over on ASAPThought. You can find a link in the description below to that video. Thanks to for giving you a free audio book of your choice at

Audible is the leading provider of audio books with over 150,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature. We recommend the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series, which the Game of Thrones TV show is based off of. It's kept us up through the nights and caused a lot of lost sleep! You can download this audio book or another of your choice for free at And with a subscription you can get one free book a month, so you can read the whole series! Special thanks to Audible for making these videos possible.

What If You Stopped Sleeping?

In fact, sometimes it literally feels like you aren't getting enough, but what if you stopped sleeping all together? Strangely, science understands relatively little about why we sleep or how it evolved in the first place. After all, laying unconscious and dormant for hours on end while predators lurk hardly seems advantageous or smart. But, we have discovered a few correlations. For example, adults who sleep between 6 to 8 hours a night tend to live longer. Excess of sleep, however can lead to medical problems including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Similarly, chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to aspects of cardiovascular disease, obesity, depression and even brain damage. But what if you stopped sleeping right now?

Well, after your first sleepless night your mesolimbic system becomes stimulated and dopamine runs rampant. And this may actually trigger some extra energy, motivation, positivity, and even sex drive. Sounds appealing, but its a slippery slope. Your brain slowly begins to shut off the regions responsible for planning and evaluating decisions, leading to more impulsive behavior. Once exhaustion sets in, you'll find yourself with slower reaction times & reduced perceptual and cognitive functions. After a day or two of no sleep, the body loses its ability to properly metabolize glucose and the immune system stops working as well. In some cases, 3 days of no sleep has lead to hallucinations.

Care about how you look? Studies have shown that direct correlation between sleep deprivation and a person's perceived beauty, that is to say, sleep-deprived individuals appeared less healthy and less attractive than when they were well-rested. The longest scientifically documented case of being awake was 264 hours or 11 days. And while they did develop problems with concentration, perception and irritability, the surprising truth is that they suffered no serious long term health effects. In fact, no individuals under these documented conditions experienced medical, physiological, neurological or psychiatric problems. But there are limited studies, and this doesn't mean permanent damage couldn't be inflicted with more time. Sleep deprivation experiments on rats for example, generally lead to death after about 2 weeks.

But, scientists aren't totally sure if there dying from the lack of sleep or from the stress of constantly being woken up. Perhaps you should look at fatal familial insomnia for an answer. A rare genetic disease of the brain which causes progressively worsening insomnia or sleeplessness leading to hallucinations, dementia and ultimately, death. This disease is only affected around 100 people in the world, but their average survival span was around 18 months. Over time, the lack of sleep becomes worse and the body's organs begin to shut down.

So, while a lack of sleep won't necessarily kill you quickly, continual sleep deprivation will have a negative effect on your body. Sleep tight, but not too much! Got a burning question you want answered? Ask it in the comments or in Facebook and Twitter, and if you can't get enough science in your life, check out the ScienceAlert Facebook page, which is one of the best out there to keep you up to date and entertained with the latest news and breakthroughs.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Secondary Causes of Insomnia - How to Diagnose Sleep Disorders

As I said in prior segments, insomnia often has a different underlying cause where insomnia merely becomes, sort of, a symptom of the cause. People with obstructive sleep apnea often arrive in a sleep disorders office reporting insomnia or daytime fatigue. The insomnia is coming from the multiple awakenings that they are having during the night due to apneas and hypopneas. It's not truly a case of insomnia. Once all diagnostic tests are performed and reviewed, generally this can be shown to the patient and a different course of treatment can be taken that rarely has little to do with actual insomnia.

People with depression and bipolar disorder, both treated and untreated, often experience forms of insomnia. It's not uncommon, in the manic stages of bipolar, for a person to sleep very little or not want to sleep at all. Even once the mania is treated, it's not uncommon for the drugs that get used in that treatment to cause disruptions in sleep or cause a change in the quality of sleep. Certain people with schizophrenia and older atypical anti-psychotics will have sleep issues or just feel that they don't sleep as well as others. Again, it's a thing that's hard to differentiate because you don't always know what a schizophrenic patient is reporting.

Even the most lucid and medicated ones still may not have a good sense of what's going on at night or why they're sleeping poorly. People with restless leg syndrome, of course, generally aren't sleeping well even once they get to sleep because their legs are moving and twitching. They're having issues and their bodies can't fully relax. So, it's important to rule-out the causes of insomnia. Thyroid issues can be a problem. Women sometimes experience insomnia during pregnancy. It is important to rule-out these secondary causes of insomnia and treat them before treating a patient primarily with sedatives and other drugs that can cause physical and psychological dependence. It's just more efficient to treat underlying problems and eliminate any sort of dysfunction that they're creating in a patient's life.

Transient Insomnia - How to Diagnose Sleep Disorders

I want to talk about the differences and talk about some of the underlying reasons for insomnia that can make it last beyond just a week or two. Transient insomnia is something that most of us experience at various points within our lives. It's a response to stress. It's a response to grief or depression. It can also be a response due to a change in sleep schedule or work schedule. Sometimes, people experience transient insomnia because, for whatever reason, they've been consuming caffeine later in the day. Generally, people who drink caffeine only during the morning, for some reason will have a night of bad sleep. They'll need to pick up caffeine later in the day to make-up for that lack of sleep.

Then, the caffeine doesn't leave their body quickly enough, and whether they realize it or not, that extra cup of coffee or that glass of soda that you had around 5 o'clock is keeping you awake at night. Transient insomnia comes and goes. It'll usually go away in about a week or two, when you resolve the grief or stress, or when you treat the depression that's causing it. Chronic insomnia has its own causes. Sometimes chronic insomnia runs in families; rarely it does. It is a combination of not only genetic factors but a learned behavior.

If a child grows up knowing that "we don't sleep well, in this family", it can affect their own mental state as it relates to sleep. There is a strong connection between the psychology of the patient and the quality of their sleep. Sleep is not just a physical thing; there are a lot of psychological factors involved. There is a very rare type of insomnia called fatal familial insomnia and the incident of this is so rare that it is rarely mentioned outside of the corridors of sleep disorders facilities. As the title implies, it's genetic and it's fatal. It's caused by a lack of sleep that cannot be cured through any sort of sedation means.

It progresses to dementia and to death. I mentioned it only because it's something that gets mentioned in the popular culture, every once and awhile. Someone will read something on-line about fatal familial insomnia and they think, "Oh crap, I can't sleep. I have that". It's so rare that a doctor would have to tell you, for sure, whether you have it or didn't have it. It's not anything to be concerned about if you're having about of insomnia or if a number of people in your family have insomnia. I think that you would know if it were to be a fatal or terminal illness.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Insomnia - How to Diagnose Sleep Disorders

The term insomnia comes from the Greek, literally meaning lack of sleep or no sleep. When people think of a sleep disorder, I think insomnia commonly pops into the head. Most people at some point in their lives experience a mild case of insomnia, that comes and goes, sometimes in response to stress, grief or depression. Insomnia has a number of different causes.

It has a number of different ways to be relieved. It all depends on, sort of, what's going on or the underlying cause of the insomnia. It's not uncommon for children to have bouts of insomnia or for adults. Generally, insomnia resolves itself. When insomnia doesn't resolve, when people have chronic problems getting asleep or when that lack of sleep is causing irritability, fatigue or other issues during the day, that's when we see people in the Sleep Disorders Office for insomnia.

Patients are often seen when a primary care physician issues a prescription for a sleep aid, such as, Ambien, Lunesta or something of the like, that you've seen on TV and for some of the other medications that we may have. It's not uncommon for a primary care physician to refer a patient on to a sleep disorders physician when a temporary prescription or something like that fails to aid the insomnia patient or if the insomnia continues beyond the span of 7 to 14 days.

How to Improve Blood Circulation with Alternative Medicine

How to Improve Blood Circulation with Alternative Medicine. Alternative medicine may help you improve your circulation, all without a prescription. Check out your options. You will need Doctor Supplements Natural foods Vitamins and garlic. Consult your doctor before starting any regimen of alternative medical therapies.

Step 1. Take alpha-lineolic acid. Alpha-lineolic acid is one variation of omega-3 fatty acid found in plants and fish oil, which has been shown to reduce inflammation, and combat heart disease.

Step 2. Eat a diet of fruits and veggies - whole foods as medicine -- to improve your blood's consistency. Foods rich in vitamin B, like potatoes, chili peppers, lentils, and beans, are good for the blood. Drink plenty of water - dehydration will thicken blood and make the heart work harder.

Step 3. Maintain a high level of vitamin C, which increases nitric oxide used by the body to relax and dilate blood vessels. Sources include dark green vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, berries, and citrus fruits.

Step 4. Mix blond psyllium husk with your food, sometimes used as a thickener for frozen dairy desserts or to soften stools. Taken orally, blond psyllium can reduce total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein, as well as lower blood pressure.

Step 5. Include garlic in your diet, for its compounds that work as effective suppressants on blood cholesterol, a kind of blood thinner. The wonder herb is a broad-spectrum antibacterial and antifungal agent, too.

Step 6. Load up on coenzyme Q10, which helps regulate the heart's beating and the body's circulation.

Use alternative medicine through food-based products whenever you can and worry less about drug interactions. Did you know As of 2010, the American Heart Association reported that peripheral arterial disease (PAD) affects almost eight million in the U.S.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

8 Sick Remedies That Actually Work - Scientifically!

We all have sick remedies that we swear by. I mean, nothing feels better than a hot bowl of chicken soup, right? Well, it turns out that it may actually have an anti-inflammatory impact, as it prevents neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, from moving. And by slowing down the movement of neutrophils, it prevents the cells congregating in the lung area, relieving congestion.

But you may have also heard the expression ‘feed a cold, starve a fever’ - so should you only eat soup...sometimes? It turns out this is only half true. In both cases you should actually be eating nutrient rich food, which gives your body the energy to heal itself, and increases something called gamma interferon - which is essential for your immunity against both viral and bacterial infections.

So why not eat an apple? Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away, right? a degree! 100 grams of apple contain the same antioxidant power as 1500 mg of vitamin C, which has been shown to inhibit the growth of both liver and colon cancerous tumours. Their peels, which are rich in flavonoids are also linked to a reduced risk of coronary heart disease. So while it may be associated with less visits to the doctor, and as a preventative medicine for your overall health, it’s impact on the common cold is still debated.

So what about just taking lots of Vitamin C, whether in the form of lemons, other foods, or pills? It turns out, in a double blind study, it didn’t reduce the incidence of the common cold. However, it did significantly reduce the length of colds. This may be due to the increased growth in T Cells, which are white blood cells involved in your immune response, as well as an increased production of interferon, which causes virus-infected cells to ramp up their anti-viral defenses. If you’re in need of some immediate relief for a cough or sleeping difficulty from a respiratory infection, honey has your back! Known for its antibacterial activity, It increases the release of inflammatory cytokines, which signal cells to repair themselves.

And garlic? Not only can it ward off vampires, but it’s been shown to decrease the length and severity of cold and flu symptoms. By increasing the growth of Gamma-Delta-T-Cells and Natural-Killer cells, it’s able to pick up on invading pathogens and remove them more effectively.

Ever try Echinacea? It’s one of the most popular herbal supplements, and for good reason. In a meta-analysis on 14 studies, Echinacea decreased the odds of developing a cold by 58% and reduced the length of colds by approximately one and a half days. It works as an anti-inflammatory and similar to other remedies, influences cytokine production in the body.

And while you’re at it, have a drink - with a little alcohol. Seriously, some studies have found that moderate amounts of alcohol can help boost your immune system. But before you crack a bottle open, consider that ‘heavy drinkers’ were found to have the weakest immune systems.

If all else fails, water, rest, and time are surefire contributors to recovery. So which sick remedies are just plain old false then? We break down the top sick myths you thought were true in our new AsapTHOUGHT video, and use scientific research and evidence to debunk them. Click on the screen or the link in the description to see that video.

And hey - our book - which answers even more of your burning questions - is almost out! So if you haven’t got your copy yet, head on over to and be the first to get your hands and eyes on it! And subscribe for more weekly science videos!

What Exactly Is Food Poisoning?

Hey everyone, Trace here for DNews! My buddy Jared who runs the DNews social media pages got food poisoning today, so we thought we'd pull back the curtain on foodborne illness. People CALL it food poisoning, but the medical community call it foodborne illness, which makes sense. You're not being poisoned by food, but infected by something that's living on the food. Commonly, food poisoning is caused by bacteria, viruses, molds, toxins, parasites or allergens. They range from the fairly well known, E. Coli and Salmonella to the far less known campylobacter, toxoplasma, listeria and clostridium perfringens (clostridEum per-fringe-ens).

According to the FDA, most foodborne illnesses go away on their own and don't have lasting effects -- but there are those, like E. Coli O157:H7 which can cause kidney failure and death if not treated properly. Not all e.coli is bad, by the way. Some e.coli is part of your natural gut bacteria! A number of things can result in food being "poisoned" or infected. Most often, according to the Mayo Clinic, food poisoning comes from food that’s mishandled or not cooked properly.

Maybe it's left under the warmer too long, not refrigerated properly, handled by a person who didn't wash their hands, or touched a surface that wasn't recently cleaned. Every contaminant has an ideal condition, and they vary from bacteria to virus.

And though you might be thinking, YES! I was at that place around the corner and TOTALLY got it from there, you might be wrong. Some of these foodborne illnesses can strike days or weeks after exposure because it takes a while for the organism to replicate in your body and strike -- this is the incubation period.

The most common pathogens, C. Perfringens, Salmonella and the Norovirus have short incubation periods ranging from 6-72 hours. All three cause diarrhea, but while salmonella and norovirus ALSO cause vomiting, c. perfringens doesn't! E.coli and campylobacter incubate for several days before striking and both result in severe diarrhea containing blood, and vomiting. Toxoplasma can incubate for weeks and produce no symptoms at all, and listeria can live in your body from three to SEVENTY DAYS before showing flu-like symptoms! You could eat something two weeks before Halloween and not feel it til Christmas!

Some cases of food poisoning or food borne illness are even mistaken for the flu, because people can't remember when they ate at that dodgy deli. And again, most of the time, you'll just get better on your own, thanks to the immune system. But you won't feel awesome.

These diseases cause diarrhea because they're inhibiting your body from absorbing nutrients and water OR they're causing MORE water to be added into the bowel. This means your body has to pass all that stuff out of your digestive system, and in a hurry. If you're nerds, like us, you can look up your symptoms and know what you got, how long you've had it, and what probably caused it! It's, like, really nerdy. Also -- drink lots of water, but NOT caffeine or dairy because your stomach is already irritated, those will make it worse. Make sure you consume some broth or electrolyte drink to keep some nutrients flowing too. And, speaking of flow, DON'T try and stop the flow out yer butt with anti-diarrhea meds. You're body's doing it on purpose, you'll just get in the way, literally. If you see blood, call a doctor. When was the last time you got food poisoning? Where'd you get it?

Tell us down below in the comments and be sure you subscribe for more DNews. And as long as you're in the subscribing mood, check out TestTube, a show that explains the facts behind world news, politics and events that affect us all!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Best Remedy for Food Poisoning

What is the best remedy for food poisoning? If you've been unfortunate enough to suffer from food poisoning, then you’re likely to be in search of the best remedy for food poisoning. Fortunately, most cases of food poisoning can easily be treated in the comfort of your own home, so there’s rarely need to see a medical professional.

However, if you’re concerned, it’s always wise to consult with your doctor as soon as you can. Perhaps the best remedy for food poisoning is to merely get as much rest as possible, while doing your best to counter some of the main symptoms your body is coping with.

Luckily, the sophistication of your body’s own immune system will see you through the worst of the problem, so rest is often the best solution. Additionally, it’s possible to become quite dehydrated throughout the recovery process - so making sure you’re drinking enough water is vital.

While you may not be feeling thirsty most of the time, it’s wise to gradually sip a glass of water throughout the day - because if you become too dehydrated the symptoms can often feel much worse. At some point, you’re likely to feel hungry - but you’ll need to be careful when it comes to eating. It’s usually best to stick to light meals and very small portions.

What’s more, you’ll need to avoid anything too ‘fatty’, or anything that’s too flavorsome. Common choices include rice, toast, or a banana. Of course, you’ll also need to avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine, because both of these substances can make the condition of food poisoning feel even worse.

While you’re likely to feel quite tender for a few days, you should be past the worst of the symptoms within a few days. So keeping yourself distracted with light entertainment such as watching TV can help you to pass the time.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Vomiting Home Remedies - Instant Relief

Consuming edibles can be very satisfying. Throwing up, or vomiting, is not what anybody would prefer to do no matter what the incentive may be. Vomiting can occur as a result of Food poisoning, Food allergies, Overeating, Overdose of alcohol, Emotional stress, Brain tumor, Acid reflux, Gall bladder disease, Ingestion of toxins, Drug reaction and Metabolic disturbances. By way of vomiting, the body forces out the contents inside the stomach through the mouth.

Here are some natural home remedies to ease nausea and vomiting. Take a teaspoon of ginger juice. And Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in it. And take this mixture for relief. You can also chew a piece of raw ginger with or without honey.

Ginger acts as a natural anti-emetic. Take a cup of white rice. And boil it in one to one and a half cup of water. When the rice is cooked, strain this solution. And drink this rice water.

It is extremely beneficial when dealing with gastritis Boil a cup of water. And take one teaspoon of cinnamon powder in it. You can also steep a cinnamon stick in this solution. Drink this solution.

This is particularly beneficial for kids. You can also sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey. Some tips to help you control vomiting. Take a light, bland meal and eat slowly. Take some rest but do not sleep immediately after having a meal. And do not brush your teeth right after eating.