Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dr. Troy Giles: How to Treat Fall Allergies

Hi, my name is Dr. Troy Giles. I'm a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Natural Internist. Today I wanted to talk to you about fall allergens. Most people are concerned about spring allergens because that's when there's a lot of pollens and things are in the air. You really get a lot of sinus issues. But right now we're heading into the fall. So there's many times people are allergic to what's in the air, what's dying. Plants that are starting to die down. The amount of decay, there's a lot of fungus and things, a lot more mold starts in there. So allergens can be again respirator, because you're breathing in the allergens.

You're breathing in the mold spores. Some of the things, some of the plants actually pollenate in this time, so you're still getting those allergens into the sinus. You can get them into the gut as well and become overall inflamed in your system. So there are homeopathic remedies that can be given you that do very well for airborne allergens. We've got them here at the office. You can call in and we can help you with those.

Also, again, we've talked before the Netty pot, being able to wash your nose out, washing the sinuses, washing the pollens and the mold spores again out. That's a big concept. As we start to head into wintertime, your spores and things that are inside your home, the dust and dust mites, again, you're breathing in. At my house we have the windows open pretty much all the time, except for two or three weeks in the summer when it gets really hot, so the air is moving constantly. But in the fall, or in the winter, when we shut the doors down and we don't have as much air exchange, think about taking a minute and opening up the windows and doors, say five minutes a day, just to get new air into your home.

You know their cracks and things, but to have the freshness come and exchange the air is a good idea. Changing your vents, your filters in your air, your air ducts. Make sure that happens a lot more during the fall and wintertime as well. Think about what your eating. Watch the amount of sugars that your eating, because that again can create inflammation. Watch the amount of cakes, cookies, candies, pasta, bread that will cause irritation and inflammation in the system and overall cause you to be allergic. Also think of the phenols, which is what I look at when a patient comes in we'll do a phenolic therapy, or phenol look to find out what you might be allergic to. In the foods that we have, or in the air, phenols are in those compounds. Phenols are like a stop sign. So each point of that stop sign is a carbon. There's about seventy different phenol compounds in our environment. So you can become allergic.

So there's a phenol in the mold that's from the plant decaying. That phenol gets into you and now you can then become allergic to that particular issue. So there's about 70 different phenols in our environment. Milk, for example, has 50 of these phenols. One of the therapies that we do is called phenolic therapy, where we give you a phenol in a homeopathic dose to help you to not be allergic to that particular food or that particular substance.

So there are other things that we can look at as well.
But there's a lot of ideas, a lot of reasons we can be allergic, from in our stomachs to our airborne allergens. So that's things that we look at here at the office. If you're interested, make sure to give us a ring. Call us or email us. If you email us, make sure you put something in the subject line like "Allergens", or "Allergies", so that it doesn't go to our spam. So I hope that's been beneficial for you. So we're coming into a great, fun time here. I love the fall time. So I hope you have a great fall. Until next week, have a great, great day.

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