Monday, February 1, 2016

Top 6 Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux

When food and acid splash into the esophagus, they cause belching, heartburn, and in some severe cases, chest pains. Some individuals have experienced pain so intense that they thought they were having a heart attack. If a person's experiencing acid reflux on a regular basis, the acids will irritate the esophagus, which may advance scarring,ulceration, inflammation, or hemorrhaging. According to authors and doctors,if acid reflux persists, it could lead to esophageal cancer. So here are my Top 6 ways to balance acid reflux :

#1 balance your hydrochloric acid levels in your stomach. increasing the natural production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is the first step to prevent acid reflux. replaced cheap table salt with high quality himalayan crystal salt because it contains chloride and dozens of trace minerals the body needs I also recommend taking a plant derived Betaine HCL supplement 5 to 10 minutes before meals. This is an extremely effective way of preventing acid reflux symptoms.

#2 Change your diet : processed foods and sugars are almost guaranteed to cause acid reflux. eat fresh organic fruits and vegetables check out my brand new body cleansing diet and take a good probiotic supplement like Latero-flora. this will also help balance your bowel with good bacteria.

#3 taken digestive enzymes supplement : Enzymes are found in abundance in raw food but the act of cooking food destroys these health promoting structures. There are many good enzyme suppements available and the best one that I recommend is a product called Veganzyme.

#4 Take raw organic apple cider vinegar : I recommend taking 1 tablespoon of raw organic apple cider vinegar mixed in about 4-6 ounces of purified water before each meal. this will help calm the stomach acids and suport digestion. this is one of my favorite fast-acting home remedy for acid reflux.

#5 take organic baking soda : mix a teaspoon a glass of water, stir and drink before it stops fizzing. bicarbonate is the active ingredient and it's a wonderful product for acid reflux however if you have a high blood pressure or if you are on a sodium restricted diet, it's best to get approval from your doctor first.

#6 Take Organic Aloe Vera Juice: Aloe vera juice supports digestion and is another remedy for acid reflux. I recommend drinking 1oz. of organic aloe vera juice mixed in 2oz of water when acid reflux symptoms begin. If you suffer from acid reflux, the chances are your body is pretty toxic.

I also suggest the full body cleanse starting with colon cleansing then moving on the liver gallbladder cleansing and then doing harmful organism cleanse and chemical and toxic metal cleansing.

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