Thursday, February 4, 2016

Improving Health with Nutrition : Natural Allergy Remedies

This clip is about allergies and we are talking about both food allergies as well as environmental allergies. So, actually the reason we can address these together is because they are very much related in many many cases and it all has to do with your immune system and how much load is coming on to your immune system because at a certain point your immune system gets tired and it says.

I can't handle this and that is when allergies start becoming rampant and you start reacting to more and more things and I don't know if you've experienced this but most people who have allergies start with one or two and then in the next couple of years they are allergic to lots of things so the most important thing that you can do to reverse your allergies is to fortify your immune system.

The way you do that is by eliminating things that are stressing your immune system and improving things like your gastrointestinal health and your mineral health so here are a couple of supplements that you can use to improve your GI health as well as your immune health, zinc and protein are two of my favorites.

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