Monday, February 1, 2016

Natural Ayurvedic Herbal Home Remedies - Acid Reflux (Acidity)

Acid reflux or Heartburn is caused due to excessive acid build up. When you have a burning sensation in your chest accompanied by a sore throat and a sour taste in the mouth, you are suffering from a bout of acidity or acid reflux. In our stomach there are acids that help break down food during digestion. At times the gastric glands produce excess acids, which results in a burning sensation. If you smoke a lot or consume alcohol, you will be affected by acidity. The other common reasons are erratic eating times and consumption of spicy and fried foods. But do not worry , there are a few simple home remedies to cure acid reflux.

If you get hit by acidity or a burning sensation in your stomach simply chew 5-6 basil leaves after your meal. When there is a burning sensation due to acidity chewing a clove helps lessen the discomfort. If you have hyperacidity and heartburn, drink a glass of chilled plain milk for quick relief. Another remedy for quick relief is cardamom or elaichi. Grind 2 Cardamoms and add it in 250 ml of water. Boil this cardamom water for about 15 mins. Sieve this water and drink for quick relief. Avoid foods with too much vinegar and black pepper. Stay away from tomato ketchup. Reduce the consumption of chocolates as it triggers and aggravates acidity. To really prevent heartburn avoid its biggest causes. Stop drinking carbonated and caffeinated drinks like Tea and coffee. Eat healthy and take care of yourself.

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