Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Healthy Lifestyle Leads To Disease Reversal, Weight Loss, More Energy and Vibrant Health

My name is Larry Cook, and I am here to share with you that we can all be healthy. Now I understand that you might have a disease or you may have cancer, or you may be overweight, or you may have any other kind of health condition, but in reality, we can all be healthy, and the reason why we can all be healthy is because the body actually knows how to heal itself when given the right conditions. That's the most important thing of this entire video that I want you to know about. The body, when given the right conditions, can heal itself. Let's talk about conventional medicine. Conventional medicine is really a process of symptom management.

That means if you have some sort of a symptom, whatever that symptom might be, the western medicine medical model says OK, we've identified that symptom, now let's use a drug to manage that symptom. It's really a symptom management model. This is the most important thing of all. Western medicine is all about managing symptoms, but it doesn't actually get to the root cause of the problem or help the body heal. In fact, as you probably have seen on a gazillion TV ads now and every ad that's in a magazine, there are a million side effects associated with lots and lots of drugs and those side effects are not good for the body.

Then you might ask yourself, well why are there side effects? The side effects are there because what you're being given is a synthetic drug that's been patented so a company can make a lot of money from it, but it doesn't actually help your body heal, it just manages the symptom. If it helped your body heal, you wouldn't need that drug anymore. Hmm.

This is the key. It's not healing. In fact, when you hear the phrase, "There's no cure," or, "We're searching for a cure," or whatever, that's because drugs are never going to cure the problem. Drugs are designed to manage symptoms. Always. Let's go back to what I originally said. When given the right conditions, the body knows how to heal itself. This is the key. Let's jump over to alternative or natural medicine. Natural medicine says oh, you're exhibiting these symptoms, well let's figure out what the body is doing or not doing or not doing correctly that's causing these symptoms to manifest. Then once we've figured out what these different root causes of those symptoms are, we're going to give the body what it needs so it can get better. This happens all the time. You just don't hear about it.

You don't hear about it because the pharmaceutical industry pretty much advertises in the entire mainstream media, and so mainstream media makes a lot of money from the pharmaceutical industry, and no one wants to upset that apple cart, so you're not going to hear about it unless you do some research and you dig a little deeper and you ask a few questions and you visit a few natural doctors, and you start reading some books and you start reading some alternative websites, and pretty soon you're like, wait a second, you mean I have diabetes and I don't have to have diabetes?

You mean I have fibromyalgia and I don't have to have fibromyalgia? You mean I have some other, you name the disease, and I don't actually have to have that disease, I can actually get better? You should get outraged, and a lot of people are outraged. When they finally figure out that the body can heal when given the right conditions and that the western medical model is actually based on treating symptoms and not treating the root cause, it's a game changer. It's a complete game changer, so what have you learned in this video? You've learned that the western medical model treats symptoms with drugs because they're patented, which means the pharmaceutical industry will make a lot of money, and that when given the right conditions, the body can heal itself.

Those conditions might include changing your diet, taking some supplements, doing exercise, maybe doing hyperbaric oxygen therapy, maybe getting a Vitamin C nutritional IV, maybe doing something called hydrotherapy - hot/cold therapy - maybe doing a detoxification protocol.

When you put together all of these different things that you can do to give your body what it needs, including nutrition, nutritional supplements, all of a sudden the body goes hey, I have what I need, I'm going to heal. You know what that's called? That's called a cure. That is a cure. The body knows how to heal itself. What you want to do is live in a way where you are giving your body what it needs to do it's very best, and you want to make sure you don't give your body ...

You don't add to your body things that diminish health. When you consciously do that, that is called the Healthy Living Lifestyle, or also known as the Natural Living Lifestyle. It includes dietary change most often, it usually includes taking some supplements, it definitely includes exercise and exercising on a regular basis, it most likely includes seeing a natural doctor or a naturopathic doctor, an acupuncturist, a chiropractor, those specialists who actually get to the root cause of the problem. It may include doing a chi-building exercises like yoga, and it definitely will include detoxification, colon cleansing, getting rid of the toxins, because you know what?

Our society is extremely toxic, and when you start putting all of these toxins into your body, inadvertently, like you're not necessarily trying to do it but the body starts accumulating and accumulating and accumulating these toxins, if you don't get rid of them, you will have a degenerative disease sooner or later. Your body will start going downhill. You may need to do a detoxification program, but when you start doing all of these different things: you start deliberately eating food consciously, organic, whole, fresh food on a regular basis, you start taking some supplements that help support your body's function, you start exercising, you go see a natural doctor who can really figure out what's going on, and then from there, prescribe a protocol that will help your body heal even more. Wow, all of a sudden you don't have your disease any more. You've lost weight.

You have more energy. You're in vibrant health. That is why you want to adopt a healthy living lifestyle. Now there's a lot more I could say. What I'll say right now is that I have a lot of resources on my website. My new website larrydcook.com, you can go over there and take a look, I have a book, I have a DVD, I have healthy recipes, I offer coaching services, I have all kinds of resources for you that you can use to start adopting a healthy lifestyle. Some of them are free, some of them cost a little bit of money, but at the end of the day, if you start moving towards a healthy lifestyle, you will get better, I guarantee it.

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