Monday, February 15, 2016

How To Make : Baby Food Recipe

The problem with baby food is two things. One, we don't know what's inside the baby food, if it's organic, if it's vine ripened. And the other problem is that the packaging the baby food comes in, it could be plastics or metals that have toxins in it that leach into our food. And obviously it's getting into our babies, a pretty silly idea.

So what we're going to do is make baby food at home the old-fashioned way. Now you can steam your veggies, steam your fruit, and then mush it up. That's a very easy way of doing it. The other easy way is doing it in a blender. So what we're going to do is we're going to make a combination. So it takes four ingredients.

We're going to have half a pear, half an apple, half a banana, and half a carrot. So we're going to start off with the apple. Literally, we are going to leave the seeds in and the stems, if you want as well. Cut that up a little bit. Particularly with apples, it's great fiber, and it's going to be really good for the digestive system. Half an apple. We're going to put some pear in. Pear particularly is a very cooling fruit, so it's also helps the digestive system. And the seeds can go in and the stem. That's all fine, too.

Carrots, they've actually been known by herbalists for centuries to be an antiseptic. So great for gums and teeth and also for the digestive system as well. So half a carrot and then some bananas. So the banana is like a bit of a thickening agent and also the sweetener.

So it's going taste nice and also bring it together. Yum! Get your lid. Put it on top. Now on the Vitamix you got variable speeds. You can control how fast the machine is. We're going to choose number seven. Leave it on for about 30 seconds. Very smooth. All the seeds and pulp totally liquefied with a natural coloring from carrot and banana, pear and apple.

Now the last time I made baby food was on the weekend, and before that I hadn't eaten baby food for, I don't know how long maybe 10, 15 years or something and making baby food myself, it reminded me how tasty it is. Yeah, you can really taste the banana. Everything's in there. The seeds, all the fiber, all the nutrition and very simple, very cheap as well and delicious. So hopefully, your baby likes it. Beautiful ice cream. Let's put it over my head. I did it once. It ended really badly.

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