Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Using Energy Healing for Positive Changes: An Alternative Health Perspective

Welcome! In this fast video I’m going to share with you what energy healing is and why so many people around the world are feeling the call to participate in energy healing; and how and why it’s working so quickly, fast and easily for them. First of all, if we look around us, there’s a lot of dis-ease. There’s a lot of people who are really experiencing like ‘an amnesia.’ They’ve forgotten who they are, they’ve fallen off their path, and away from their Nature.

And, because of that, there’s many unhealthy people who are unhappy. We even see it in our elders: we see our elders who are just unhealthy, unhappy, stressed, or they’re even miserable. So we understand that something’s gone wrong here and we need to return to the archaic knowledge, (or you can think of it as a second age of enlightenment) to return to our own Nature and get back to healing. The other thing is, that if you look at even the science that is out there [shamans, healers, prophets, energy healers] have been saying it all the time: that we are all one; and we all come from energy. Well, now science is proving it too.

Whether that’s through quantum physics, or you can even look into Michael Talbot’s Holographic Universe, or study Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphogenic Field, (I really suggest you explore those), but it is the real, basic, essential truth that in the end the one thing that connects everything around us is ‘Energy.’ We all are composed of energy and we all receive and give energy. But it’s to do that (work with energy) from a space of healing and from a space that’s natural and pure that brings about the greatest in health and happiness for the mind, the heart and the body.

And so that’s what Energy Healers do; whether it’s Naturopathic Medicine, whether it’s Reiki, Touch Therapy, Shamanic Practitioner, Sound Healing, Angel Healing. And personally, on my life path, I love to embrace all of them! And I love to really explore them and base each one on the different kinds, because everybody has a different way where they’re more easily and naturally able to return to that space of oneness and that field of pure healing and infinite potential.

You can ask yourself today, well, How do you best receive energy healing? Is it by listening to sounds, nature scapes, certain songs or rhythms? Is it by touch and the healing feeling of touch? Is it connecting to Angels or guides? Or moving your body? They are all wonderful ways to explore, but start asking yourself that question so you can make sure that you come to your own Nature and that you return to that field of oneness and healing and flow.

I’d love to hear about your own healer’s journey and how you’d like to work with energy yourself and you can share that in the comments below. You’re also welcome to sign up for a free gift, if you haven’t already done so. It’s called Stress Release for Inner Peace and it’s a really great way to start to change your mind and bring you back to your heart and natural rhythm and your natural capacity to heal. And so I look forward to sharing with you more and journeying with you.

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