Thursday, February 4, 2016

Natural Cures for Allergies, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, and Asthma

Cure Allergies, Stop managing Allergies with Drugs. Allergies are a Disorder of the Immune System, which is a Form of Hypersensitivity.

Interviewer: - Your program can stop or cure Allergies?

Dr. R. Needle: - It is a respiratory problem. I am an ex smoker, and I have cured my bronchitis along with curing literally because it is early stages of asthma which is a very, very severe prevalent problem out there. People have been managed with drugs, all drugs cause negative side effects, and there are no exceptions. No matter what you hear they all cause negative problems somewhere else in the system, which will show up somewhere else and require another specialist.

Interviewer: - We hear of a lot of allergies in the spring of the year with the flowers
coming out, with your program; they won’t have that any more?

Dr. R. Needle: - The body heals itself with my program and that will include the respiratory
problem, it can be a problem in your feet, in your brain, in your heart, in your liver,
in your prostrate whatever we are dealing with. When the body is healing itself it will decide when you give it the right food , the right water, the right supplements and you will generate a balance for your specific genetics; it is different from anyone else’s, it is a highly , highly customised program, very,
very highly customised , the body will heal itself. ‘First remove the causes of sickness and disease’
Medical doctors treat the symptoms with drugs and surgery.

Interviewer: - Dr Needle, what are the differences between other healers, and what you do?

Dr. R. Needle: - First of all, we are all familiar with our regular traditional medicine, the medical doctor and they are treating symptoms of the patients. Secondly, are alternative healers and alternative healers are using natural substances and they are also treating the symptoms of their patients, the alternative medical doctors such as naturopathic physicians, alternative chiropractors and nutritionists. What my program does is not treat anybody’s symptoms, I am removing the causes.

Interviewer: - How do you remove the causes of sickness and disease?

Dr. R. Needle: - I’m bringing a balance to that patient’s body, for its specific genetics. It is done with a five hundred food-eating plan, it is not a diet, and it explains, it goes over what foods are causing sickness and disease in the body, and those that are healthy. For that specific blueprint: - of that particular patient. Number two, I am bringing the right nutritional supplements, I have yet to have a patient come to me that brings me their supplements, and by the way, you don’t have to come to
me in Atlanta, Georgia, I work all over the world, by phone. Most of my work is by phone. I am using the blueprint of that individual and getting the right combinations and the absorption and assimilation of nutrients that is basically non existent. People are guessing and they are experimenting because that’s all that’s out there. My program gives this alternative which really, really helps given the right water. People have no idea what’s right, we cover that as well.

Interviewer: - When you are talking about ‘Blueprint’, are you talking about genetics?
How does that work?

Dr. R. Needle: - Everyone has a specific DNA and a genetic build up. No one is the same. One size, never, never, never fits all and so I am working through an ancient art that I use, called Dowsing, with a pendulum. I have been given a gift from God to be able to bring in this information; it is expressed through the vibration. It’s vibrational medicine; it’s another name that you can call it.

Interviewer: - Why are your supplements different than those at Health food stores or on the

Dr. R. Needle: - I spent 2 years going around the world to find, first of all the integrity of that particular manufacturer and do they produce, what they say they are going to produce, which is on the labels. It took 2 years to put my supplements together. It is Phyto-nutrient therapy, when you take a multi vitamin therapy and put it into your body. You are putting isolated synthetic chemicals, and they don’t work. The body doesn’t look at that as whole food. Phyto-nutrient or plant nutrient therapy that
I use has the whole food intact and so it will safely excrete what it doesn’t need, which even the natural multi vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants which people have been taking, they have been taken out from nature. Therefore they are not going to bring the highest level of operational healing which my particular program offers.

Interviewer: - Do you pick up sickness and disease earlier than modern medicine?

Dr. R. Needle:- Absolutely, through this ancient art of dowsing, I am able to pick up sickness and disease way before modern medicines, techniques, machines. It is so exciting because, the good news is that I am picking up something so early that we can either reverse it or stop it in its tracks.

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