Monday, February 1, 2016

Foods That Reduce Acid Reflux and Fight Heartburn

Do you suffer from acid reflux? One of our viewers is having problems and wants to know, Are there foods to eat or foods to avoid to try to reduce the symptoms. And there are all kinds of things that you can do that should help. Start by taking a look at your diet. And ideally start with a bland diet and then gradually add foods back in to see which are the foods that are bothering you.

Because acid reflux and heartburn are really very personal and very individualized. But, to start with, try to focus on a diet that is low in fat and high in protein. And eat smaller meals more often. So, it's better to eat smaller meals and not stretch out your stomach and not overeat. So, try not to eat to where you're full. Completely full. Eat smaller meals more often.

Don't eat a couple hours before you go to bed and keep the meals relatively bland and add in one by one, those suspect foods. Suspect foods are citrus. Lemons, and oranges, and tomatoes, and anything made with citrus. So what might be popular that most people are eating is tomato sauce, and spaghetti, and pizza, and salsa. All of those things can be bothersome. And your beverages. Any caffeinated, even decaffeinated beverages, so coffee, and teas, and colas can be a problem. As can anything with carbonation. So think flat beverages without caffeine.

Avoid alcohol. Chocolate, mint, peppermint, shockingly enough those, too, can be a problem, but maybe not for you. So, cut back on those foods, eat a bland diet. When you do go to bed, try to elevate the head of your bed by pillows or you can use blocks. Quitting smoking is also recommended to minimize those symptoms. As is losing weight. So, if you're overweight, you might have some problems associated with that and gastric reflux. So by a combination of a bland diet and doing some of these lifestyle, making some lifestyle changes, you should be able to reduce the symptoms, and if not, see your doctor and see if medications are in order for you.

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