Sunday, February 28, 2016

Vomiting Home Remedies - Instant Relief

Consuming edibles can be very satisfying. Throwing up, or vomiting, is not what anybody would prefer to do no matter what the incentive may be. Vomiting can occur as a result of Food poisoning, Food allergies, Overeating, Overdose of alcohol, Emotional stress, Brain tumor, Acid reflux, Gall bladder disease, Ingestion of toxins, Drug reaction and Metabolic disturbances. By way of vomiting, the body forces out the contents inside the stomach through the mouth.

Here are some natural home remedies to ease nausea and vomiting. Take a teaspoon of ginger juice. And Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in it. And take this mixture for relief. You can also chew a piece of raw ginger with or without honey.

Ginger acts as a natural anti-emetic. Take a cup of white rice. And boil it in one to one and a half cup of water. When the rice is cooked, strain this solution. And drink this rice water.

It is extremely beneficial when dealing with gastritis Boil a cup of water. And take one teaspoon of cinnamon powder in it. You can also steep a cinnamon stick in this solution. Drink this solution.

This is particularly beneficial for kids. You can also sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey. Some tips to help you control vomiting. Take a light, bland meal and eat slowly. Take some rest but do not sleep immediately after having a meal. And do not brush your teeth right after eating.

Food Poisoning Home Remedies: How To Treat Food Poisoning

Bananas - Bananas are a rich source of potassium. They aid recovery and reduce the effects of food poisoning to an impressive level. Mash up a couple of bananas and whip up a quick shake Apples - Apples are the go to fruit when you have food poisoning. They reduce heartburn and acid reflux. Apples have enzymes that prevent the growth of bacteria that cause stomach ache and diarrhea.

And then there lemon - The acidity of the lemon kills most of the bacteria that causes food poisoning. Squeeze the juice of a lemon, add some sugar and take it just as you would take any other medicine. You can also add lemon to your tea.

Water - What would we do without water. Keep yourself hydrated when you are suffering from food poisoning because your body tends to lose a lot of water through diarrhea. Also, drinking water rapidly flushes out the toxins and bacteria. And then there is peppermint tea - Peppermint tea is not just aroma therapy. Peppermint oil has a soothing effect which is extremely beneficial, especially if you have stomach spasms due to food poisoning. Add a few drops to your tea and watch the stomach cramp disappear in a couple of hours

Saturday, February 27, 2016

3 Best Home Remedies To CURE AN UPSET STOMACH

Hello and welcome. In this video we are going to show you home remedies for stomach upset. Stomach upsets can be caused due to indigestion provoked because of eating. The common symptoms include pain in upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting.

1.In this home remedy for stomach upset take you take peppermint tea or chew peppermint leaves this will help give you relief from your stomach pain and also give you relief from nausea. take 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, mix it in water with 1 tsp of honey and add some water. Mix this mixture of apple cider vinegar honey and water and drink this to get relief from your stomach upset. chop some fresh ginger root and make some tea for relief Hope you feel better.

Home Remedies To Increase Breast Milk For Feeding Your Baby

Breast milk is the staple food for new born baby. But now a days many women have problem of low breast milk production. It adversely affect the baby's growth, memory and IQ. Ayurveda suggests some easy natural remedies to increase breast milk production. Mix 1 tea spoon cumin seeds powder and 1 tea spoon sugar.

Add this mixture in 1 glass milk and drink it daily at bed time. Breast milk production increases from it very soon. Soak 1 tea spoon Fenugreek seeds in 1 cup water overnight. Boil these Fenugreek seeds in the same water in morning and sieve it. Drink it every morning as tea. Breast milk producton will increase very soon. Soak 1 tea spoon fennel seeds in 1 cup hot water for half an hour. Sieve it and drink this water. Repeat it twice a day for 1 month. You will have very good production of breast milk.

Friday, February 26, 2016

How to Cure Gout in 24 hours Naturally

Hey guys, Dr. Axe here, founder of Today, I'm going to give you my top, six home remedies to heal gout. Gout is something that's plaguing more and more people every day, and it's caused from uric acid buildup in the body. I want to go over my top six home remedies, but right before that go over the diet that is crucial to get rid of gout, and the worst food offenders. So if you have gout, the first thing you have to do is eliminate the excess sugar and grains in your diet, and then processed meat. So again, excess sugar, grains, and processed meat products are some of the biggest foods you need to get out of your diet.

Sugar feeds yeast in the body, the conventional grains turn into sugar, and then those meats, the problem there is, they're full of hormones and antibiotics and they're so acidic to your system. Then in terms of beverages, staying away from alcohol. So again, those are the best things you can do right now to eliminate gout symptoms. Stay away from those foods.

In terms of a gout diet, a diet very high in vegetables and fruits, and then organic meats. So again, vegetables, fruits, organic meat. Some of the best foods include things like bone broth and chicken vegetable soup. That's a good gout diet. Now here are my top six home remedies to get rid of gout for good. Here's what I can tell you, if you follow these tips, you can get rid of gout in 24 hours or less. That fast, you can get rid of gout pain for good.

Step number one: Celery seed extract and celery juice. Celery seed extract actually has been shown to decrease uric acid buildup in the body. So again, you can buy the supplement, celery seed extract, or get a vegetable juicer out, juice celery juice. Or just eat celery throughout the day. Great for getting rid of gout. Number two home remedy for gout is black cherry juice or cherry juice extract. Cherry juice, very similar benefits, it reduces inflammation, it reduces uric acid buildup in the body.

And these two things, if you just did celery and black cherry juice, you will see very fast results in getting rid of gout. The third thing you can do is nettles. You can actually buy nettles tea, and nettles is a powerful anti-inflammatory phyto-nutrient. So again, starting to do stinging nettles, you can buy that as a supplement or drink it as a tea, it's great for getting rid of gout.

Number four home remedy to get rid of gout for good is going to be fish oil. Now fish oil doesn't act as fast as the first two, but over time, fish oil is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation in your body, decreasing your risk of gout.

And last but not least here in terms of supplements, and actually I have one more after this. That's going to be proteolytic enzymes like bromelain. Now bromelain is found in the core of a pineapple, it's an enzyme that's been shown to help reduce uric acid and inflammation.

One other remedy I've seen that's been very beneficial, this is number six, is magnesium. Magnesium supplementation, it's an alkaline mineral. That alkaline mineral can also decrease uric acid formation in the body.

I guarantee if you try, if you get rid of the things that I talked about earlier, the excess alcohol, the sugar, the grains, the conventional meats, if you add in a diet higher in fruits and vegetables and if you use those six home remedies, the celery seed extract, the black cherry juice, the nettles, the fish oil, the bromelain and magnesium, and if you just have to pick two, celery seed extract and black cherry juice, you will see your gout gone in 24 hours or less.

Hey, if you want to learn more natural remedies and natural cures, visit That's You can find a remedy to any health condition you can imagine in my Natural Cures section. Hey guys, it's been Dr. Axe with Natural Cures for Gout.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Forbidden Baby Foods

When it comes to feeding your baby, the last thing you want to do as a new mom is give her something that results in choking or allergies. Here are four forbidden foods you should avoid before your baby turns one. 

First, stay away from honey. Sure its sweet, but it's sticky and can be tough for babies to swallow. It also contains spores of a certain bacteria that is difficult to digest, making it toxic for babies. Second, be careful with nuts. Experts now recommend exposing babies to nuts around six months. As long as there isn't a history of allergies in the family. But never feed babies whole nuts or a spoonful of nut butter, which are not good for small windpipes. Third, don't serve cow's milk.

The proteins in cow's milk are difficult to digest, and they can also cause allergies or intolerance. Instead, continue breast milk or formula, which contains more vitamins and minerals. [UNKNOWN] for a full year before offering a taste of regular milk. Finally, no candy. This may seem like an obvious no-no but small hard candies and chewy soft gummies can be choking hazards. After all you can never be too careful about keeping your baby safe from troublesome food. You don't want to risk it.

Vegetarian - 3 Healthy Meals in 5 Minutes

What's up beautiful people? It is your homegirl Chef Shameless, all up in the building! And I'm going to break it down for you, 3 quick meals in under 5 minutes. Because I do not like wasting my time in their, because I would rather be doing something else like eating. So, I'm going to break down 3 quick meals that you can eat: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and they're healthy, and they're vegetarian. Let's get started. First meal of the day I have is a frozen banana smoothie with the works.

So it's frozen banana, almond milk or soy milk, a couple dates, peanut butter or almond butter, it's topped off with granola, and you just need to blend it all in here. I'm going to make enough smoothie for two, so cut it in half if it's just for yourself. So one full banana, woo-hoo. And then some butter. Just drop it in there. Dates. So just make sure you take the pit out.

You can skip this if you're not into coffee, but I love coffee, especially in the morning, so I put some of the coffee grinds in here. And then you can use milk if you're a milk drinker, almond milk, soy milk. You'll need a few ice cubes, between 3 and 6. And then blend it. It should be thick like ice cream. So it's like ice creamy. OK, now you put it into a bowl. Because it's not officially a meal until it's in a bowl. There! And then what you want to do, is get your granola, so it's like cereal. Go ahead and add some sliced almonds, which I like to do.

And then shredded coconut, because I love coconut. And then chia seeds. That's basically why you garnish things, because it's pretty. It's so good! Especially in the summer when it's hot. So this is really fast and simple, all you need is cucumber, carrots, avocado, ginger, woo-hoo, seaweed, rice, oh throw some greens in there, baby spinach, yes. Soy sauce, sesame seed oil, some actually sesame seeds, I'm going to cut these cucumbers lengthwise.

Then you're going to put it on your bowl, your sushi bowl. Add some color, carrots! So you throw in some color. More greens. Same thing with the seaweed. I used to not understand why people would eat this, and now I love it. OK, this is the avocado, just hit that pit, and then twist it out. You just cut this and spoon it out. And if you're lucky you can like fan it out. I'm trying to look cute, let's see how that goes. You take your sesame seeds and you sprinkle it. And I love ginger, so you put in ginger slices. So you have your bowl and then you're going to put in sesame seed oil, not regular oil, sesame seed oil, and then some soy sauce.

And that's your sushi bowl! Oh hold on, wait a minute, speaking of which, I need to take an Instagram photo. This is sesame oil and the ginger, and the avocado and the seed. And then the third and final meal of the day is dinner, and I like to throw it down with some pesto pasta in a bowl. While you're making all the pesto and all that stuff, you're going to boil pasta. Or you're going to get leftovers, because this can be eaten cold. So while that pasta situation is boiling, you're going to make pesto.

So you need fresh basil, Trader Joe's sells them in a big thing like this, instead of like three little twigs, you need a lot. You need a food processor for this. Then you need one clove of garlic, whoop. You get your pine nuts in there. And then olive oil, lots of it! And then pepper. And then if you're fancy, and into trends [bing] pickup some pink Himalayan sea salt, because it's pink. You blend it, or you mix it. And then cucumber, because this is like a pesto pasta salad. Then your tomatoes. And then you mix her up, she's looking pretty cute! And then you could put whatever else you want in there.

And that is your 3 meals for the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner in 5 minutes, how you like me now? Go eat, be merry. Take a photo, oh take a photo, and use the hash tag #chefshamelesstaughtme, so I can find it, and then feature it on my Instagram page, holler! Oh, and comment below, and let me know what your favorite dish is in life.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How a baby develops during pregnancy

This animation will show how your baby develops during pregnancy. Click the navigation arrows below the animation screen to play, pause, rewind or fast-forward the animation. This animation contains sound. Pregnancy usually lasts about nine months, or 40 weeks, and is divided into trimesters. The first trimester is from week one until week 12.

The second trimester is between weeks 13 and 26, and the third trimester is from week 27 until birth If you become pregnant, your womb doesn't shed its lining as it normally does at the end of the menstrual cycle, so your periods temporarily stop. This is because the egg, which has been released from one of the ovaries, has been fertilised by a sperm and you are in the early weeks of pregnancy.

Here we show the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the womb and the vagina. The fertilised egg has already started to divide in the fallopian tube. It will continue to develop and grow in the womb and is called an embryo at this stage. Here we show the embryo in the womb. By week nine the embryo has developed and is called a fetus. At this point most of the organs, including the nervous system and heart are forming. Here we show the fetus in the womb.

By the time you are 12 weeks pregnant, your baby is approximately 6cm (two and a half inches) long. At this stage, your baby's neck is uncurling and the limbs are complete. The eyelids are still fused and the ears are forming. Here we show the baby, the umbilical cord, the placenta and the amniotic fluid.

The umbilical cord connects the baby to the placenta. This is how your baby gets nutrients and how waste (such as urine) is removed. In the second trimester, your baby's sex organs develop and other organs mature. The baby swallows amniotic fluid and passes it out through its digestive system. The kidneys start to work and pass small amounts of urine. Your baby can now hear, and is covered in fine hair called lanugo.

Here we show the baby in the second trimester. You may first feel the baby move in the second trimester of pregnancy. The movements become much more vigorous and obvious as the baby gets bigger and stronger. Braxton Hicks (practice contractions) are painless tightenings of the womb that may start from around 20 weeks of pregnancy. Your baby's lungs mature throughout the third trimester. The baby makes breathing movements, even though the lungs don't work properly until birth.

The baby grows fine hair and fingernails, the eyes open and close, and teeth may start growing under the gums. Your baby's fat stores also increase in preparation for birth. Braxton Hicks contractions become stronger in the third trimester. At the end of your pregnancy your baby changes position so it is ready for birth. The baby's head may not engage, that is, move into the position in the pelvis for birth, until labour This is the end of the animation. Click on the animation screen to watch it again.

Study Shows Baby-led Weaning Promotes Healthy Food Preferences

With traditional spoon feeding what usually happens is that an infant is presented with some kind of puree or mush on a spoon, by the parent, and it's a case of trying to get, as every, many mothers know, the spoon into the child's mouth. With baby led weaning the control is handed over to the child. So you present them with a range of foods, usually finger foods, from six months old and the child can pick up the food freely and feed themselves.

Indeed, some mums actually offer the child being baby led a spoon, which is preloaded, and they can operate the spoon themselves. The study came from our main questions: how does this type of weaning or how does this style of weaning impact on health outcomes and food preferences because there was an evidence gap there. We simply don't know. There's a lot of talk by mums on the internet and you know at playgroup, some coffee mornings about how it works and so on, but the real evidence is lacking so we wanted to find that evidence.

So we knew we wanted to do a comparison between the two weaning groups, so then it was a matter of recruiting participants and for many years now at Nottingham I've been running the Nottingham Toddler Lab, and so we have a database of local families that have signed up to take part in the kind of work that I do and others in the department.

So we recruited quite a lot of parents from that, from that database, and gave them a questionnaire, but we also recruited additional participants from a website forum that Ellen was aware of, and we ended up with a sample of 155 participants that we were then able to classify as either traditional spoon fed weaning or baby led weaning.

We asked them about what they'd actually done with the weaning process. We asked them questions about things like whether the baby had been breast fed, breastfeeding duration, and we also asked them about the child's height and weight so that we could calculate their body mass index, which is an indication of their weight relative to their height, and their age and their gender.

I think there are two key findings really, the first is that the baby led weaning group showed an increased liking for carbohydrates over the spoon fed group, and that was a very strong finding that was statistically significant and it was also their preferred food group. Out of all the food groups carbohydrates were the, was the group that the baby led weaning children liked the most. That's in quite stark contrast to the spoon fed group who liked sweet things the most.

The second finding of note is that the baby led weaning children were more likely to have a body mass index that was in the healthy range as compared to the spoon fed children who had higher body mass index overall.

Obviously with any work like this it's really important to take into account socioeconomic status because socioeconomic status is related to a lot of developmental and health outcomes, but we took that into account right at the beginning when we collected our data. We asked parents about, questions about, their socioeconomic status. That enabled us to statistically control for that when we were analysing our results.

And fortunately what we found was that socioeconomic status didn't affect the pattern of results that we found, except for one food group which was vegetables, and there, there was a general effect of socioeconomic status. It didn't differentiate the two weaning groups, so it was a similar pattern for both the baby led weaning group and also the spoon fed weaning group, but socioeconomic status was associated with liking of vegetables such that, the higher the socioeconomic status, the higher the liking of vegetables.

It's tremendous fun, it's incredibly messy, but we've, we know we have family meals with our two children now and Lara is just a, just nearly nine months and whilst it's incredibly messy it's just, it's delightful, it's really good fun, and I think it has had a good impact on increasing our five a day levels as we definitely eat more fruit and vegetables.

Some health visitors have concerns about children choking when they're using more solid foods rather than the pureed foods, but that wasn't something that came up particularly strongly in our results either. So, those concerns that people have had that perhaps have made parents perhaps choose the alternative form of weaning, are perhaps dealt with in our paper and can be used to better advise parents, to give them a more complete picture when they're deciding which weaning style to use with their children.

3We're absolutely delighted that the paper's being published in BMJ Open. We think that will mean it has a good impact for academics, health practitioners and so on. It's an open access journal that means anybody can read it who has internet access, anywhere around the world. We see this very much as a stepping off point. We do need some large prospective studies to track children over time to see what happens with their food preferences, to see what happens with their, you know, health outcomes and so on. So we see this very much as the start of the ball rolling in this area of research.

Healthy Pregnancy and Baby Weight

If you're worried you'll gain too much pregnancy weight, have no fear. It's vital for your future baby's growth and development. Here are three healthy ways to help you gain just the right amount of baby weight. First, know your number. Women who start at a normal body weight should gain about 25 to 35 pounds. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds and overweight women should gain between 15 and 25 pounds.

Women who are obese should gain 11 to 20 pounds. Be sure to weigh yourself at the same time each week. Expect to gain between 1 and 4 pounds during the first trimester. And during your second and third trimesters, expect to gain about 2 to 4 pounds each month. Now, if you're gaining weight too quickly, try having smaller portions at each meal and snack and cut back on high-calorie oils and salad dressings and sugary or fatty foods, and try to eat more often at home and walk more. If you're gaining too little weight, be sure to add some extra oil when you're preparing your foods and boost your intake of nuts and nut butters, lean protein, and low-fat dairy foods.

Top 5 Foods To Improve Fertility

Infertility is an area which is not commonly discussed. Many people don't even know that foods can also play important role in your infertility. But, there are some foods, which can help you in improving your chances of getting pregnant, in case if you are finding it difficult. So let’s see one by one. First will comes you omega 3 foods. Omega 3 foods if you include in your daily diet, they can improve your reproductive health.

So foods like fish, almonds, walnuts, even flax seeds if you include it in your daily diet, improves your fertility. But, you have to be careful with fishes. You have to avoid seas water fish, as they are rich in mercury levels. Then second will comes you fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits like pomegranate, banana, strawberries, figs and dates, they improves your fertility as well as boost up your sexual stamina. So you can include it in your daily diet.

Then, third one comes you whole grains. Specially complex carbohydrates like brown rice, whole wheat, jawar, bajra, oats, if you include it on daily basis, then they can help you in improving your fertility. Then fourth one comes you lean protein. Lean protein sources like lean meat, lean chicken, egg whites, fishes as compared to red meat or organ meat, have low fat. So, if you include it on daily basis, it’s good for reproductive health.

Then last one comes your dairy products. All dairy products like milk, cheese, curd, yogurt; they are rich in good quality proteins as well as calcium levels. So if you include it in the maximum quantity in your daily diet, then that can also improves your sexual health as well as improves your fertility levels.

Healthy Eating Habits for Kids from Preschoolers

How can I help develop healthy eating habits... for my two year old? Serving a variety of foods from each food group helps ensure your child gets the nutrients he needs... and teaches habits for a lifetime of healthy eating. Here's what your Toddler age 2 to 4 should eat in a day: About 3 ounces of grains. 1 cup of fruits or 1 cup of veggies has carbs for energy, vitamins and minerals, and fiber for healthy digestion.

About 2 ounces of lean meat or poultry Eggs or legumes has protein a key building block for growth. About 2 cups of dairy a day has calcium for strong bones as well as protein. Foods with healthy fats and oils offer Vitamin E, an antioxidant. You can provide healthy choices... and a good example. Remember a lifetime of healthy eating starts early.

Monday, February 15, 2016

How to Make : Healthy Family Pasta

So we're in my kitchen today and I'm here with my mum. I'm gonna cook a recipe that mum use to cook us, our nana use to cook us when we were really little. It's a pastina recipe. Pastina is just hundreds and hundreds of tiny little pasta.

Which is perfect for kids and all the family can enjoy it, even the adults. Into our Pastina, we are going to put courgettes, an egg yolk, Parmesan cheese and some Olive Oil. It's just all of those little ingredients are full of nutrients. We loved this didn't we.

So into our boiling water, I'm gonna put two handfuls of Pastina. I've got lots of different Pastina here. Two different sizes. I'm gonna use the Stalina, which is the tiny, tiny, tiny little star and this recipe is for a baby who is starting to try new textures. So Fiamma is nearly one and she quite enjoys exploring different textures. So what you want to do with this Pastina is you don't want to cook it fully yet. Because you want to cook the courgette and the egg as well. So you want to, I would say 4-5 minutes, so it's not quite Al Dente but it's almost getting there.

I'm just gonna have a little taste. Yep ok, so while that's cooking I'm going to grate some Parmesan and mum will you grate the courgette. We're gonna use half a courgette so we keep skin on because all the goodness and the nutrients are in the skin Ok Mich, here we go.

That's a lot of courgette, did you do more than half?! I think I did a bit more. I won't put all that in then In that goes, and that's gonna cook for about 2-3 minutes. Give it a little stir and what you want to happen is you want all the water to be absorbed because this isn't meant to be a soup, it's meant to be like a little Pepena. But as that courgette cooks It's gonna release a lot of the nutrients into the water, which will then get absorbed by the pasta. So into this we're gonna add the yolk of one egg and make sure you whisk it well.

There you go, so that's going to cook in a matter of... well seconds probably. and then into there is gonna be a tablespoon of parmesan and a tablespoon of Olive Oil. and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. We loved this as toddlers. It's just full of flavour. You can see here it has got liquid bhecause you don't want it to be dry. You know if it's dry it's really hard to swallow for a little baby and you can drain away a bit of the water if it's too runny, depending on the age of your baby and what it's used to eating really. So I'm just gonna put that into a little bowl. There we go it's done. Time to serve to Fiamma So that is a family favourite, it's our Chiappa family baby pasta.

How To Make : Baby Food Recipe

The problem with baby food is two things. One, we don't know what's inside the baby food, if it's organic, if it's vine ripened. And the other problem is that the packaging the baby food comes in, it could be plastics or metals that have toxins in it that leach into our food. And obviously it's getting into our babies, a pretty silly idea.

So what we're going to do is make baby food at home the old-fashioned way. Now you can steam your veggies, steam your fruit, and then mush it up. That's a very easy way of doing it. The other easy way is doing it in a blender. So what we're going to do is we're going to make a combination. So it takes four ingredients.

We're going to have half a pear, half an apple, half a banana, and half a carrot. So we're going to start off with the apple. Literally, we are going to leave the seeds in and the stems, if you want as well. Cut that up a little bit. Particularly with apples, it's great fiber, and it's going to be really good for the digestive system. Half an apple. We're going to put some pear in. Pear particularly is a very cooling fruit, so it's also helps the digestive system. And the seeds can go in and the stem. That's all fine, too.

Carrots, they've actually been known by herbalists for centuries to be an antiseptic. So great for gums and teeth and also for the digestive system as well. So half a carrot and then some bananas. So the banana is like a bit of a thickening agent and also the sweetener.

So it's going taste nice and also bring it together. Yum! Get your lid. Put it on top. Now on the Vitamix you got variable speeds. You can control how fast the machine is. We're going to choose number seven. Leave it on for about 30 seconds. Very smooth. All the seeds and pulp totally liquefied with a natural coloring from carrot and banana, pear and apple.

Now the last time I made baby food was on the weekend, and before that I hadn't eaten baby food for, I don't know how long maybe 10, 15 years or something and making baby food myself, it reminded me how tasty it is. Yeah, you can really taste the banana. Everything's in there. The seeds, all the fiber, all the nutrition and very simple, very cheap as well and delicious. So hopefully, your baby likes it. Beautiful ice cream. Let's put it over my head. I did it once. It ended really badly.

5 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so get started on the right foot with these five incredible smoothie recipes. So, to get started I'm going to share just a couple tips to make your smoothie making run smoothly, right? First up, you want to use frozen fruit.

Now, the reason is you don't want to be watering down your smoothie with a whole bunch of ice. So, freeze your fruit yourself. I like to freeze my fruit in a single layer on a baking sheet. This prevents it from all clumping and sticking together. Next, when it comes to using your blender be sure to add your liquid first near the blades. That's gonna help your blender run a little more smoothly. Finally, don't be afraid to prepackage your smoothies and leave them in the freezer.

These are great 'cause all you need to do in the morning is roll out of bed, pour these into your blender with a little bit of yogurt and some juice and you're off to the races. Breakfast is served. I love this sunny tropical yellow smoothie to start off my week. It's perfect for a gloomy Monday to get you going. So, we're gonna start with a half a cup of pineapple juice.

Now, if you don't have pineapple juice, it's fine, you could also use orange juice or even almond milk in this recipe would work just as well. To that, we're going to add a half a cup of Greek yogurt. This is going to add a little bit of much needed protein into our smoothie then we're gonna top it with some tasty fruits like some frozen pineapple, some mango, and some tasty banana.

Finally, we're gonna hit it with a little bit of grated ginger just to liven it all up and press blend. Monday morning breakfast, taken care of. I call this my Orange your glad it's not Monday anymore Tuesday smoothie. We're starting with some orange juice, about half a cup. To that we're gonna add about a half a cup of Greek yogurt for protein, one peeled orange frozen, half a peach, also peeled and frozen, and finally, one shredded carrot.

I love sneaking vegetables into these smoothies when nobody's looking. They'll never even taste it. Come hump day, I'm ready for something bright and beautiful like this ruby reb smoothie that features watermelon and strawberries and fresh raspberries. It's absolutely delicious. We're going to mix is up with a little bit of almond milk and some Greek yogurt. I'm using vanilla flavored Greek yogurt for this recipe and boom, there's breakfast baby. By the time Thursday rolls around you're stressed out to the max or at least I know I am.

What better way to start your day than with a whole lot of antioxidant goodness? This purple smoothie is so delicious and features some of these most antioxidant rich foods. Into our blender we are adding a half a cup of pomegranate juice. If you don't have pomegranate juice, cranberry juice will also work. Then we are going to add some vanilla flavored Greek yogurt. We've got some frozen blueberries and frozen blackberries and even some beautiful freshly pitted cherries.

When they're in season, buy a whole ton, pit them and then freeze them so you can use them all year long. Ladies and gentleman, congratulations. You made it to Friday. Now, in order to prepare for the epic night you have ahead of you, probably best to get some greens into us early. So, I'm gonna show you my tasty Friday green goodness smoothie. All right, so it starts with about a half a cup of OJ, half a cup of vanilla flavored Greek yogurt, to that we are going to add two peeled and frozen kiwis, and then a whole avocado.

Trust me on this one, it's gonna add some creaminess and some texture. You're going to absolutely love it. Now, believe it or not you can freeze avocados. You'll never be able to eat it on its own again but it is great in smoothies. And then we're gonna add a handful of greens and you won't even taste them because of this beautiful kiwi. Also, keep in mind that smoothies are an excellent place to improvise. So, once you've got these basic recipes down you can add all sorts of things to them like protein powder or hemp seeds or chia seeds. Any kind of greens, you can sneak those in. You won't even know they're there.

These are incredibly delicious and packed full of nutrients. I hope you'll give them a try and let me know how it goes. Be sure to tweet me or instagram me a photo of what you come up with in your own kitchen. I love hearing from you. And be sure to subscribe for more great recipes just like these.

How To Make Teething Biscuits

I'm a little bit obsessed about rusks or teething biscuits. I've tested tested tested tested all week and this recipe for teething biscuits or rusks is brilliant. It basically provides a lovely firm, hard biscuit which dissolves as the baby chews on it. But it doesn't have any sugar. So to start with. You want two cups of flour. Any flour that you like.

Then I'm going to mix half a teaspoon of baking powder, give it a bit of a stir, and then create a well, add an egg, and then four tablespoons of fruit puree. so I'm using an apple and plum puree. You can use any fruit puree. As long as it's got a nice thick consistency like this. Two Three. Four. Start to mix it like that. That is it. You've literally just got to get your hands involved and form a nice ball of dough and it's as simple as that. Now it's coming together I'm just going to tip it out onto the surface and just knead it into a nice ball.

Grab a baking tray with some non-stick parchment paper.Get a piece roll into a ball and then a sausage, what I want to do is make it a bit like a rectangle because then it's a bit flatter surface area, because it will be easier for your baby to hold. Obviously depends how you make them, but I think you should get about twelve little rusks out of these. So they have got a little bit of baking powder in which means they will rise slightly and expand. So don't put them too close together. I'm gonna lightly dust these with cinnamon, but you could use parmesan to make a savory biscuit.

You could dust them a bit. Or even into the mix you could put orange jest. And again it just allowing them to explore some different flavours and textures. So. half of these are going to have a little bit of cinnamon. They smell so good. Spread that into it. And then onto these we're going to put some grated Parmesan. Sprinkle them on and then I'm going to press them onto each rusk. So these are gonna go into my oven which has been preheated at 180 degrees for about 30 to 40 minutes, so that they're nice and firm.

So my rusks have been in for a good forty-minutes. Already rock-solid. So leave your rusks on there for a couple minutes just cool down. But you really want to get them on your cooling trays as quickly as possible, and then once they're nice and cool just store them in an airtight container. Could then they'll keep for about a week or two. Perfect snack for your baby to eat any time. Don't forget to hit subscribe. I've got loads more ideas and recipes on how to feed your family. From your baby to toddler and the adults. Click on the link below.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Healthy Foods to Stock Your Pantry

I'm Dara. I'm a busy mom of three and have a husband who is a vegetarian. For us, eating healthy sometimes is left on the back burner. So, Dara, here we are at your pantry. Tell me a little bit about what you would find in your pantry. Well, this is carb land. This is what my kids like to eat. They like to have cereal for breakfast. They like to have pasta for dinner. OK, so today, we're going to give you a little bit of a pantry makeover, so you can feel good about giving your kids what they want. Well, I want to point out that you have some really healthy items in here already. You have unsweetened applesauce, you have canned tuna and you have canned beans—all great choices. Let's take a look at the crackers.

You want to make sure that each cracker has at least two grams of fiber per serving, and 200 milligrams or less of sodium. I see you have a lot of cereal in here. Cereal can really pack in a lot of hidden added sugar, so you want to look for a cereal that has less than 7 grams of sugar per serving. And the other thing is, you want to make sure it has at least three grams of fiber, also per serving. As an alternative to cereal, if you want to mix it up, I would say, try out some oats or some oatmeal. Pasta was a big choice at dinner, right? Definitely. Pasta really doesn't deserve the bad reputation that it's had. It's a great quick dinner choice. The other thing, too, is try mixing it up. So, quinoa, they cook up really, really quickly. Or farro, that's another great one. Or brown rice. Now you have all the elements of a healthy pantry.

How To Train Your Brain To Eat Healthier!

We all know that we should be eating healthier, but does that mean we have to cut out our favorite fatty foods? What’s the answer? The short version: Size matters. Hey everyone, this is Matt Lieberman filling in for DNews. Researchers at Vanderbilt University have released a new study that offers a new solution to the age old problem of diet and portion control. Now, dieting seems pretty cut and dry, in principle. Don’t eat unhealthy food, eat more vegetables, exercise regularly, shower, rinse, repeat. But more often than not, our draconian attempts to cut out the pleasurable fats, salts, and sugars that our brains crave cause diets to crash and burn in their early days, or just make us miserable.

However, the trick is to not “diet” at all, but to shift the ratio of portions over time via something the associate professor of Management Kelly L. Haws calls vice-virtue bundles. She and her colleagues discovered that all people have something called a “taste-health balance point” - namely, the proportion of healthy to unhealthy foods in a single meal that will leave that person satisfied with their taste and nutritional choices. It’s different for everyone, and I’m sure that more than one of you has already decided that their balance point looks like a Big Mac with extra lettuce on it.

But here’s the thing: based on the study, most people fall into a similar range. Namely, the perfect vice-virtue bundle has about one quarter to one half vice foods, and half to three quarters virtue foods. The example they provide is a plate of french fries and apple slices. For most people, their brains only need a small portion of fries to satisfy the vice appetite in their brain, while the apple slices handle the rest of their hunger in a nutritious way.

The study goes on to theorize that vice-virtue bundles could revolutionize the the fast food industry, which has undergone changes as Americans seek out healthier food options. By bundling their existing items that are pure vice and pure virtue, they could create new and attractive options at a relatively low cost.

So what can we take away from this study and apply to our own lives? By finding our taste-health balance point, we can allow ourselves the fatty, greasy, buttery foods that we love, in a portion that maximizes our desire for healthier options. The delicious part? Finding that balance one meal at a time. So what do you think about this study? Do you know what your taste-health balance point is? Let us know in the comments below. I’m Matt Lieberman filling in for DNews. You can find more of my videos over at Sourcefed. Please like the video and subscribe to the channel.

School Garden - Help Kids Grow Healthy Food!

School gardens help kids understand where food comes from, and which foods promote health. As well as being a fun co-operative project, a school garden gives children a great sense of achievement when the crops are ready for harvest, and links to many curriculum subjects.

More and more parents want their children to grow up appreciating organic fresh food, and research confirms that kids that grow vegetables, eat vegetables. Whether you're a teacher in a school that is considering a garden, a parent helper, or a volunteer, this video will give you some practical ideas to plan for success. You can create a growing area in even the smallest of spaces, and you don't need lots of expensive equipment to get going.

In fact, using recycled materials and making do with what is to hand is a great way for kids to be creative and to learn about the environment - so start small and plan to expand. Raised beds are the easiest way to start. Find a sunny spot somewhere that will be easily seen, as this will generate interest amongst children and parents.

If siting the garden near a playground be sure to include fencing to protect the plants from stray balls Shallow raised beds can be placed directly onto grass, or deeper ones can be placed on concrete or paved surfaces. Build them no more than 3 or 4 feet wide so that children can reach into the bed easily without stepping on the growing area, which compresses the soil and limits plant growth. Fill the raised beds with good quality compost to give your plants the best possible start, and you're ready to start planting.

Some schools create square foot beds to grow a lot of different crops in a small space. Each 1 foot square has a different vegetable sown into it. In the Garden Planner, you can switch to the Square Foot Gardening mode by clicking the SFG button. You can then easily arrange 1 foot squares of plants on your plan.

Each square displays the number of plants at the top left - between 1 and 16 plants per square. Alternatively, traditional planting layouts can be used, which is particularly good for larger plants and rows. Make sure that the colored areas around the plants don't overlap to ensure that they have enough room to grow well.

Select easy-to-grow crops that require minimal maintenance to give you the best chances of success. To do this, use the Garden Planner filter feature to show those plants which are easy to grow. These will be displayed in the plant selection bar. You can also select to only see plants that can be harvested during certain months of the year in your area - particularly useful if you want to avoid planting crops that mature during the school holidays.

Get started with some of these easy-to-grow plants: Early potatoes, which can be started off in the classroom, grow quickly once planted out, and are great to dig up just before the summer break. Peas will scramble up wigwams made out of recycled materials or garden canes and are delicious eaten straight from the pod.

Climbing beans can also be grown in this way. Rainbow chard, which grows in several bright colors and will survive all kinds of weather. Salad leaves, such as cut-and-come-again lettuces are very easy to grow and can be harvested over several weeks.

Strawberries are enjoyed by children of all ages and it's simple to create a cascade of pots which will then produce baby runner plants later in the summer Perennial herbs like rosemary, lavender, oregano and thyme attract bees and butterflies, offer strong scents to explore and can be harvested and turned into take-homes in art or design classes, such as scented cards or lavender bags. They're easy to take care of and will grow year after year with minimal care Sunflowers, which are easy to grow as class competitions. After flowering, the seeds can be used to attract birds to the garden during the winter.

Start them in pots on a windowsill before planting them out a few weeks later when the weather warms up. For the more adventurous class, why not create a pizza garden - growing all the ingredients for pizza sauce. Then invite a local chef to teach children how to make their own pizza or pasta dishes.

And, if you have a lot to space or can involve parents to help grow at home, seeing who can grow the biggest pumpkin is an excellent activity leading up to pumpkin carving competitions at Halloween. Some plants will need watering and caring for during school holidays, so it's a good idea to have volunteers on hand who can do this, or choose crops with low watering needs.

Once you've got to grips with the basics, and have volunteers to help, consider adding these extra features to provide year-round interest in your school garden: A composter will provide you with a rich source of compost which you can put back into your raised beds and, with care, will allow you to reduce the amount of waste.

Kids can be encouraged to eat fruit so that the skins and peel can be added to the compost heap (but make sure it's covered to prevent wasps from from swarming) and you can even add tea bags and other suitable kitchen waste. For older children, studying the life cycle of plants and animals links well to composting. Bug hotels can be made and hung up to encourage insects to the garden, and you can create mini-beast areas by leaving cut logs piled together, provided termites aren't an issue in your area.

A pond can make an excellent source for studying food chains, and with luck frogs or toads may take up residence, which eat garden pests such as slugs. Just make sure the pond has a safety grid fitted, or is fenced off to prevent accidents. With a little planning, a garden can become the focus of many engaging school projects and can lay the foundations of healthy eating for life. Check out these resources for further ideas!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

How to Have a Healthy Diet with a Busy Schedule

So the next step is to go ahead and come out with a plan on how you're going to eat healthy. You are a busy person in your school, you have to plan how to get your homework done, you're a busy mom, busy father you have to plan on how to take care of your children.

It's the same as your diet, you have to put a plan into place. So how you do that is you make these foods available for you. So let's say you had a consultation with your dietitian and your dietitian tells you that you need to eat two fruits a day along with other variety of foods. But we're going to go ahead to talk about the fruit group right now so what you want to do when you go the grocery store is go ahead and buy all the fruit that you need for that week. That way you can challenge yourself and try to get all those pieces of fruit in everyday.

These kinds of food, the desserts and the salty they are great to have in your pantry but if you don't have a plan you might go ahead and resort to these quick convenience foods when you're really hungry. But if you come up with a plan and have something like this meal already in the refrigerator maybe you prepared it the night before and went ahead and did some batch cooking, you decided that you eat it again then you would have a nice healthy meal of the next day. Water is another important thing that people just don't think about so if you need eight glasses of water a day keep a cup by your bathroom sink and in the morning drink one glass before-when you wake up. Then before when you go to bed at night, drink another glass and then during the day find a bottle like this which contains 6-8oz glasses of water. If you drink this throughout the day then you have gotten your 8 glasses throughout the day and that is the way you want to plan to be healthy.

Is Health Food Making You Fat?

Foods marketed as healthy are actually making America fat. If you don’t want to know more, I suggest you run away now, for about 30 minutes a day with an elevated heart rate. Actually, you should just do that anyway.

Hey gang, Matt Lieberman here for DNews. Obesity is, dare I say, a huge issue in the United States. Nearly two thirds of US women and three quarters of US men are overweight or obese, and a new report published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine revealed that Obese Americans actually outnumber overweight Americans. It’s big news, but a new study published in the Journal of Marketing Research is weighing even more heavily on my mind. The study, authored by the American Marketing Association, shows that foods marketed as fitness, diet, or healthy options can lead to overconsumption and actually reduce consumers’ motivation to exercise.

The study examined the eating and exercise patterns of so-called “restrained” eaters, who are chronically concerned about their body weight and image. Participants were allowed to choose between two bags of trail mix, one labelled simply Trail Mix, while the other was labelled Fitness Trail Mix, with an image of running shoes visible on the package. They were given eight minutes to eat and give their opinions on the trail mix of their choice, and then encouraged to exercise as much as they wanted on a stationary bike. Overwhelmingly, participants who chose the Fitness trail mix consumed more of it and also opted to work out far less vigorously than those who chose the “normal” trail mix. Through simple marketing, people internalized the message that this trail mix was a light, fit snack, and that exercise was therefore less necessary or not necessary at all.

However, diet foods are in many ways just as unhealthy or more unhealthy than foods considered unhealthy. You see, when food producers try to make a food seem leaner by cutting fat, they often add sugar and sodium to make it taste as great as the real thing. Take breakfast cereals for example. Cereals like General Mills’ Total Raisin Bran, Kellogg’s Smart Start, or Kellogg’s Low-Fat Granola all contain more grams of sugar per serving than a powdered sugar donut at Dunkin Donuts. All of their boxes encourage a health-conscious lifestyle. But if a consumer decides to eat more in one sitting AND exercise less often, their sugar intake could skyrocket. What’s worse, it’s not just an American problem.

In the UK, the University of Hertfordshire discovered that foods from 7 major supermarkets marketed as healthy options for children in fact contained more sugar, fat, and salt than the same healthy foods marketed towards adults. Either way, we’ve got a mega-sized marketing mix-up here. In closing, don’t be fooled by a pair of running shoes, a happy sun, or pictures of happy, rugged hikers. Always read nutrition facts and the ingredient list of foods before you buy, and hey, it’s better to eat less of the real thing than to eat more of a processed clone. And hey, if you want to see more of me, why don’t you check out this fun video on Sourcefed, where I talk about the Pizza Hut Hot Dog Stuffed Crust Pizza?

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Tip for Women

Are you addicted to fast food? Are you addicted to sweets and Everything that is unhealthy eating And you just cant stop but you really Want to lose weight? Stay tuned, I got a tip that is going to Help you lets go Prettykeli theme song.

 What am I talking about This , I know it looks like p in a bottle But itís not p in a bottle Its apple cider vinegar Have you ever tried apple cider vinegar For those of you that know comment below, And say I have tried apple cider vinegar and It is Ö finish the sentence. This is disgusting. But there are so many health benefits. And weight loss benefits. But that is not why Iím telling you to drink it. if you take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before you give into any food cravings every single time. I can guarantee you , within two days.

Beginners Meditation for Weight Loss

Hi. I'm Bex and welcome to part two in my series of You Have Four Minutes for Meditation. Today we're talking about meditation for weight loss. When it comes to junk we put in our bodies, we often think of junk food. But I would like to offer that we also have junk thoughts and junk speech that get in the way of us reaching our weight loss goals or our healthy living goals in general. So I'm going to give you a simple meditation, a little bit of a mantra type meditation that's going to help you focus for your entire day and hopefully keep you away from foods that aren't so good for you. Let's get started.

Go ahead and sit with your legs crossed or one foot in front of the other, whatever is comfortable for you. Today I want your hands upturned on your knees because we're going to be doing a simple exercise where we meet our first finger, then our middle, our ring and our pinky together. Sit up nice and tall by bringing your shoulders up over your hips and your chin parallel to the floor and close your eyes.

The concept of being healthy from the inside out is so important to me and I think that starting with our thoughts is a really good idea. Just like junk food, I call these junk thoughts. There are negative things that we tell ourselves that aren't necessarily true, that something is going to take too long or it's going to be too hard or it's going to be too difficult for us to overcome. You may feel overwhelmed.

So for our first action today, I would like us to practice telling ourselves to think positively. Bringing your first finger to your thumb, my, middle finger, thoughts, ring finger, are, pinky, positive. My thoughts are positive.

Inhale, my thoughts are positive. My thoughts are positive. Before thoughts become actions, they become words and we must be careful to not only speak kindly to others but just speak kindly about and to ourselves. Saying good things about our body, not saying we're fat, not saying we're lazy or that we're not strong enough. So bringing your pointer finger to your thumb and then going through all of your fingers. My words are kind. My words are kind. My words are kind.

Now our bodies truly are our temples. We must honor and respect them and when we have regard for our body, when we understand that it's something that takes us through our day, that provides us with children, with movement, with so many wonderful things, then we will honor it.

So when you start your day with a good exercise then maybe you will eat better throughout the day and today we're starting out with a healthy meditation and the four words are, "Eat with self-respect." Eat with self-respect. Eat with self-respect.

One last inhale to open your eyes and that's it. Just four minutes that we've spent telling ourselves good things, convincing ourselves that it's better to think positively, to speak kindly, and to always eat with self-respect. Remember that every bite that you take is a way that you honor yourself. So honor yourself with good and healthy foods. Love you guys. Let me know how it went and come back in a couple of days because I will have another meditation for you.

6 Tips How To Lose Weight Fast For Teenagers

How to lose weight fast for teens .Teenagers have a lot of energy ,and can very easily lose a lot of weight in a relatively short period of time. Even though, teens are always surrounded by unhealthy food choices.In this video I will be sharing with you 7 steps for fast weight loss for teens.

1.Start eating breakfast. Some teens think skipping breakfast is a quick way to shed pounds. However, eating breakfast will jump start your metabolism and prevent overeating during the day. Chose a meal that has protein for staying power, such as an egg white omelette with mozzarella cheese, fruit and milk. High-fiber foods, such as whole wheat toast or whole wheat cereal are also good options.

2 Watching your drinks Too many sodas, juices and sports drinks can really add up. Replace them with water. You should have at least 8 glasses of water a day! Water rinses out unwanted toxins from your body and keeps your brain sharp. It keeps you hydrated.

3.Filling up on fruits and veggies Most fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and nutrients while low in calories. That means you'll fill up faster and eat less. Try having fruit as snacks or before meals to cut calories without feeling hungry.

4.Avoid fast food There's nothing wrong with having an occasional burger and fries, but avoid having those types of foods every day. Make them a treat that you only have every now and then.

5.Avoiding mindless snacking If you get hungry in the afternoon, keep your snacks healthy by avoiding candy, cookies, and other tempting sweets. Also, pay attention to other reasons you may eat, like being bored, tired, or feeling blue. Emotional eating only makes things worse and doesn't make your problems go away.

6.exercise every day Get at least 1 hour of exercise every day, even if it is just taking a long walk. Chose activities that you enjoy. An easy way to lose weight quickly and meet the daily physical activity requirement is by joining an after school athletic team. Basketball, tennis, track and other organized activities will assist in burning calories and losing weight quickly. Enlist your friends to join you on your journey to weight loss. If you're embarrassed about asking them to help you out, just ask if they want to go to the gym with you. And don't spend your days sitting on the couch watching TV! Fast weight loss will only be achieved with diet and exercise.

How To Lose Weight with Green Smoothies

Green smoothie time, people! All right, to make a green smoothie it's simple. We know how to do that but this particular green smoothie is going to help us lose weight. This has some ingredients in here that are going to help your thermogenic, they're going to help improve our metabolism, bodies, just our natural ability to lose weight. We're going to start off with the fruit, okay? This is a honeydew melon and, you know, even the seeds are used.

These seeds are actually where our multivitamin supplements come from. Just crushed up seeds from melons and grapes and it's the second most nutritious fruit on the planet they say. Number one is po po. All these black seeds, okay. I'm going to throw that skin away. Now, some banana, some pear, some apple, an orange. And again I'm going to leave the white pith on, okay? The white pith is really high in a lot of minerals, a lot of fiber and things like that so I'm not going to cut it off. Leave it on, okay? A whole orange.

Now we're going to put in the dark leafy greens, we're going to turn it into the green smoothie now so baby spinach, kale, okay? Get it in there and that's, oh hang on some grapes. There you go, put them on top, some grapes. So that's our green smoothie, right? That's how you make a green smoothie. You put a combination of fruits and dark leafy greens in there and blend it up, okay? So green smoothies on their own will actually really help you with losing weight, okay?

When our bodies are given the right nutrition, we don't crave the fatty foods and the crappy foods and the processed foods, okay? So you get the right nutrition into your body and you start losing weight naturally. The other things that are really going to help boost this smoothie to help you lose some weight are these super foods I've got here. Particularly things like chia seeds, okay? These are really high in the good fats, omegas, that are going to help us remain full for longer. So some chia seeds. This is a weird one, powder. It's a superfood. We're going to put in half a teaspoon of that. Now cayenne pepper, OK? It's going to increase our bodies temperature and metabolism, this is really going to give it a big kick.

Now, I don't want to use too much but, you know, feel free to add in more chili if you want, that's just going to be half a teaspoon. Some honey, just a teaspoon, put that in there and some coconut oil, okay? Coconut oil, hemp oil, flax seed oil, all these natural oils are really good for us .

They say we can have up to three tablespoons of this a day and the fats are going to help all these sugars be processed in our bodies a lot slower. So instead of getting a big sugar rush, the fats slow down the absorption of the sugars into our body, so that's a good thing. So, this is how you strain it out. And a cup of ice. OK, we need ice. Gotta get the ice out of here. Whoop, there we go, that's good enough, and a cup of ice and blend it up for about 90 seconds.

All right, we're done. All right, it's our green smoothie. okay? Total nutrition in here, got the stems, the leave,s the piths, the cores. All the fiber in there, very nutritious for us, so it's going to stop us, you know, from craving all the crappy food out there. Then all the super foods that are in here that are naturally going to increase our metabolism and thermogenic ability in our body and balance our blood sugars with the cinnamon and everything. So, here goes.

All right guys, I'm back again making a green smoothie. This time we're going to make a bit more of an intermediate to advanced level green smoothie. All right, so it's going to be less fruit and more dark leafy greens, not vegetables.

Scientific Weight Loss Tips

We all want to lose fat and stay healthy. But with all these diet pills and plans, what does science have to say about weight loss tips? Let's get the obvious out of the way first. -Exercise- Not only does the physical active exercise burn calories immediately scientist recently found that it continues to burn fat while you sleep. During exercise your body uses up most of its available carbohydrates for energy and replaces them over the next 24 hours. In the mean time, it begins to break down your fat storage for basic functions such as walking, talking and even sleeping. Don't skip meals. Especially breakfast. We've explained in our last video the science behind appetite.

When you starve yourself, your body and brain create intense urges to eat high-calorie foods as opposed to healthy options. Breakfast specifically helps to keep blood sugar and hormone levels regular and gives your metabolism a boost to burn more calories through the day. Adding more protein and low fat dairy to your diet helps as well. Protein induces a large release of the chemical PYY, which goes to the brain and suppresses hunger signals. Simply adding 10% more protein to your food can keep you full much longer.

Low fat dairy on the other hand contains calcium which binds to other fats you've eaten and creates a soup like substance which can't be absorbed. Instead, your body excretes this soup and with it more of the fat you've consumed. Speaking of soup, it's perhaps one of the best kept diet secrets. When you drink a glass of water with your meal, the fluid is easily absorbed before your food is digestid which quickly brings down the stomach size making you feel hungry.

Take that same meal and puree it in a blender and the fluids have a much harder time being absorbed quickly this means your stomach stays expanded, making you feel full for longer. Count your calories. Studies show that people who actively document their food intake by using a journal have drastic improvements over those who don't. Furthermore, knowing a coffee has 10 calories but a cappuccino has 100, gives you the opportunity to structure your diet to eat more while taking less calories.

And while it may seem trivial, reducing your plate size can drastically change your food intake. Studies show that a simple change from 12 to 10 inches can reduce the amount of food you eat by up to 22%. Our bodies have a hard time turning down food in front of us even when we're full. So the less food on your plate the better. Finally, sleep and stress play a large factor in how much we eat. Both sleep deprivation and stress levels increase appetite, making it harder to keep off the pounds.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

How To Lose : The Real Math Behind Weight Loss

So if you burn that amount of flesh, and that sounds kind of, you know, weird, but if you were to convert that into energy, you would get about 3500 Calories, which is quite a lot of energy. That is me talking with Dr. Carson Chow, an M.I.T. trained physicist and mathematician and he is explaining to me why we should care how much energy fat has. In order for you to live and function, you need to burn energy to, like, keep your heart beating, all your organs going and just to move around.

But energy doesn’t come for free. So if you aren't consuming enough calories you are going to burn that energy with your own fat. So a lot of diet books like to teach this rule, but the problem is its wrong. Here is why. Let's say I eat 500 calories less a day. So after 1 week it would be 3,500 calories, and I would lose a pound, right? Because I'd have to burn it. Yeah, and if I stayed on this diet for a year I’d burn through 52 pounds. It'd be great! If you keep taking this thing, well, after 2 years I'd lose 104, and after 10 years I'd lose 500 pounds, you know? So obviously, at some point this rule is going to break down. It will actually break down before you get to a year.

So to understand the real math behind losing weight, Dr. Chow wanted me to imagine a leaky bucket. You have some water in the bucket and that's the amount of body fat or tissue in your body. And the leak represents the rate at which you are burning energy.

In reality what you are doing is adding water at the top, that's like eating food. And when you are in steady state the amount of water you add at the top exactly balances the amount of water you lose at the bottom. If you are pouring in more water than it is leaking then you are going to gain weight.

Now if you think about the physics of a leaky bucket, the more water you pour into the bucket the faster it's gonna leak. So the leak rate scales with how big you are. And this is a well-known fact, that the larger you are, the more energy you burn. You're going to burn more energy because it takes more energy just to move a larger mass.

You have more tissue and just to keep that tissue going it takes more energy. Congratulations. You have a new steady state. But lets say you don't want to stay this large person that you've become. Well, the opposite is true, as well. You can pour in a lot less water than you are leaking. But...

As you start to lose weight you start to get smaller and you burn less energy and you start to metabolically adapt to your new diet. And so you are never going to lose weight at one constant rate. It is always going to curve from one steady state down to another. Which means... When you go on a diet, the 3500 calorie rule is the wrong rule. There is a new rule. Wait for it...

The new rule is, for every ten calories you eat less, you lose a pound. But it will take you about 3 years or more to see the full affect of your diet, which is still pretty good. All you have to do is eat a hundred calories less, you lose ten pounds. That's like a can of Coke. So you should expect the diet to be extremely slow. Right, but nobody wants a slow diet. We all want to lose 20 pounds for this summer. What's wrong with just focusing on losing weight rapidly?

But the problem is once you are at this new weight they have to be vigilant for the rest of their life. Because losing weight is slow, gaining weight is also slow. But it slowly creeps up, and then two or three years later, bang, it hits them, and they're back up to where they were. So the mathematically approved rule for weight loss: for every 10 calories I don't eat a day I'll eventually lose one full pound. Which means changing your steady state is a marathon and not a sprint.

Hey guys, this is Todd. Thanks so much for watching! Uhh If you want to have life-changing epiphanies like this one delivered automatically every single week, make sure you subscribe. Also, through Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus, we ask you, "What would you advise people who are trying to take the slow path to losing weight?" And here's what some of you said.

If you have any additional thoughts or comments, make sure you leave them in the comments section below. And make sure you join us next week when we're gonna talk about the differences between white bread and sugar. Or, are there actually any differences? We'll find out.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Healthy Lifestyle Leads To Disease Reversal, Weight Loss, More Energy and Vibrant Health

My name is Larry Cook, and I am here to share with you that we can all be healthy. Now I understand that you might have a disease or you may have cancer, or you may be overweight, or you may have any other kind of health condition, but in reality, we can all be healthy, and the reason why we can all be healthy is because the body actually knows how to heal itself when given the right conditions. That's the most important thing of this entire video that I want you to know about. The body, when given the right conditions, can heal itself. Let's talk about conventional medicine. Conventional medicine is really a process of symptom management.

That means if you have some sort of a symptom, whatever that symptom might be, the western medicine medical model says OK, we've identified that symptom, now let's use a drug to manage that symptom. It's really a symptom management model. This is the most important thing of all. Western medicine is all about managing symptoms, but it doesn't actually get to the root cause of the problem or help the body heal. In fact, as you probably have seen on a gazillion TV ads now and every ad that's in a magazine, there are a million side effects associated with lots and lots of drugs and those side effects are not good for the body.

Then you might ask yourself, well why are there side effects? The side effects are there because what you're being given is a synthetic drug that's been patented so a company can make a lot of money from it, but it doesn't actually help your body heal, it just manages the symptom. If it helped your body heal, you wouldn't need that drug anymore. Hmm.

This is the key. It's not healing. In fact, when you hear the phrase, "There's no cure," or, "We're searching for a cure," or whatever, that's because drugs are never going to cure the problem. Drugs are designed to manage symptoms. Always. Let's go back to what I originally said. When given the right conditions, the body knows how to heal itself. This is the key. Let's jump over to alternative or natural medicine. Natural medicine says oh, you're exhibiting these symptoms, well let's figure out what the body is doing or not doing or not doing correctly that's causing these symptoms to manifest. Then once we've figured out what these different root causes of those symptoms are, we're going to give the body what it needs so it can get better. This happens all the time. You just don't hear about it.

You don't hear about it because the pharmaceutical industry pretty much advertises in the entire mainstream media, and so mainstream media makes a lot of money from the pharmaceutical industry, and no one wants to upset that apple cart, so you're not going to hear about it unless you do some research and you dig a little deeper and you ask a few questions and you visit a few natural doctors, and you start reading some books and you start reading some alternative websites, and pretty soon you're like, wait a second, you mean I have diabetes and I don't have to have diabetes?

You mean I have fibromyalgia and I don't have to have fibromyalgia? You mean I have some other, you name the disease, and I don't actually have to have that disease, I can actually get better? You should get outraged, and a lot of people are outraged. When they finally figure out that the body can heal when given the right conditions and that the western medical model is actually based on treating symptoms and not treating the root cause, it's a game changer. It's a complete game changer, so what have you learned in this video? You've learned that the western medical model treats symptoms with drugs because they're patented, which means the pharmaceutical industry will make a lot of money, and that when given the right conditions, the body can heal itself.

Those conditions might include changing your diet, taking some supplements, doing exercise, maybe doing hyperbaric oxygen therapy, maybe getting a Vitamin C nutritional IV, maybe doing something called hydrotherapy - hot/cold therapy - maybe doing a detoxification protocol.

When you put together all of these different things that you can do to give your body what it needs, including nutrition, nutritional supplements, all of a sudden the body goes hey, I have what I need, I'm going to heal. You know what that's called? That's called a cure. That is a cure. The body knows how to heal itself. What you want to do is live in a way where you are giving your body what it needs to do it's very best, and you want to make sure you don't give your body ...

You don't add to your body things that diminish health. When you consciously do that, that is called the Healthy Living Lifestyle, or also known as the Natural Living Lifestyle. It includes dietary change most often, it usually includes taking some supplements, it definitely includes exercise and exercising on a regular basis, it most likely includes seeing a natural doctor or a naturopathic doctor, an acupuncturist, a chiropractor, those specialists who actually get to the root cause of the problem. It may include doing a chi-building exercises like yoga, and it definitely will include detoxification, colon cleansing, getting rid of the toxins, because you know what?

Our society is extremely toxic, and when you start putting all of these toxins into your body, inadvertently, like you're not necessarily trying to do it but the body starts accumulating and accumulating and accumulating these toxins, if you don't get rid of them, you will have a degenerative disease sooner or later. Your body will start going downhill. You may need to do a detoxification program, but when you start doing all of these different things: you start deliberately eating food consciously, organic, whole, fresh food on a regular basis, you start taking some supplements that help support your body's function, you start exercising, you go see a natural doctor who can really figure out what's going on, and then from there, prescribe a protocol that will help your body heal even more. Wow, all of a sudden you don't have your disease any more. You've lost weight.

You have more energy. You're in vibrant health. That is why you want to adopt a healthy living lifestyle. Now there's a lot more I could say. What I'll say right now is that I have a lot of resources on my website. My new website, you can go over there and take a look, I have a book, I have a DVD, I have healthy recipes, I offer coaching services, I have all kinds of resources for you that you can use to start adopting a healthy lifestyle. Some of them are free, some of them cost a little bit of money, but at the end of the day, if you start moving towards a healthy lifestyle, you will get better, I guarantee it.